What Defines You

Your demeanor with a homeless man defines who you are. Your demeanor with the king also defines who you are. Both should be respected. Your ego and ignorance guide your behavior, just as your compassion and kindness guide your behavior. Which one do you want to be? Danny G. 

Only A Perception

Some people judge based on status, while others judge based on kindness and compassion. One serves the ego and prejudice. The other one serves acceptance and empathy. Which group to you want to be? Danny G. 

Your True Essence

Rejection has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with the others. For they only see a perspective of you, and not the entire story. Pride often thinks they know better, but only you know your true essence, and your truthful journey. Danny G. 

Release the Ego Lenses

Would a compassionate father not want us to be financially prosperous and abundant? It’s not money that’s negative. Our perception of money and how we put it on a pedestal is negative. If money leads to greed, it’s negative. If money becomes our God, it’s negative. If money changes who we are, it’s negative. Your intentions and motives means everything. Change your intentions and release the ego lenses. Replace it with a prosperity outlook. Replace it with an abundance outlook, and you change the negative into a positive. Danny G. 

The Unity We Are

The egoless person says you can do all things like him, or greater. He’s not in competition with anyone other than himself. He knows everyone comes from the divine, and he knows the unity that we all are is bound to prevail. Danny G. 

Appreciation and Joy

There’s nothing wrong with wanting beautiful things and a life of luxury. The problem begins when we want these things for validation and self worth, which is the ego dominating. Seek inward, and seek your spiritual journey. Don’t fill a void with materialism, for that void will never cease to be. Seek your higher self, and allow these things to manifest without the ego, but with pure appreciation and joy. Danny G. 

Alignment Over Ego

You can seek alignment with your source and creator, or you can choose to follow the ego. Your choice has benefits and consequences, but if you choose God, the ultimate provider, you choose faith and wisdom. With faith, wisdom and persistence, anything is possible. Danny G.