There’s a spiritual reason for every situation and challenge. If you look merely at the external, your spiritual reason cannot appear. The ego chooses to look at the external, but the soul chooses to seek inward. When you seek inward, the answers and solutions will appear, and it’s up to you to step aboard and manifest it. Danny G.
Your Only Role
Allow your soul to speak to you, to provide you with wisdom, love and inner peace. Don’t contradict it with your ego, that listens merely to your infirmities and lack. Become adept to listening to your soul and acting on it. Your soul is always speaking to you, your only role is listening, declaring it, and taking action steps to your dream. Danny G.
Inevitable Success
Make sure what rules your mind and soul is of good nature from the divine. Dwell on God, its infinite powers, and loving compassion. The choice is always within you, so stop focusing on your lack and ego. Allow the divinity you are to transform itself into the greatest version of you, and your inevitable success. Danny G.
Conquering Mountains
The origin of ego means edging God out. That means when you act out of your ego, you’re not being who you truly are. You’re a God or Goddess in human form, divinity housed in a physical body. Act like the God or Goddess you are, and with this knowledge, you can conquer mountains before you. Danny G.
Invest Time
What is inside your mind and heart reveals itself with your words and behavior. If your words and behavior are focused on your ego, then the ego reveals itself in the outside world. Make sure to invest time for your spiritual journey, so your words and behavior will be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G.
The Grandest Version Of You
Don’t seek approval, for if you do, you will always seek to be someone else than who you truly are. Seek authenticity and uniqueness. Seek the grandest version of you, know you are worthy, and you’ll discover approval comes first from within, not from an outside source. Danny G.
The Internal and External Shell
There’s two shells within you, the internal shell and the external shell. Both constantly affect one another, as the internal shell rejects the ego and the external shell holds on to it. The internal shell is secure and stable and it knows its power. The external shell tries to become someone else, gets confused, or is not at peace with itself. The internal shell has wisdom, inspiration, insight, peace and love, while the external shell is vulnerable to its environment, or the outside world, and often becomes fearful and pessimistic. The internal shell is optimistic and full of faith, knowing all is well, and everything is working together for good. The external shell is weak without its source and inner self. One can be so wrapped up in the external shell, that he forgets who he is and his ego overtakes him. But one can be so wrapped up in the internal shell, that the storm doesn’t shake him, and the mountain top doesn’t overwhelm him. He is sturdy and strong to withstand the battle, and claim his triumph. Danny G.
Overcoming Yourself
Overcome yourself by letting go of your ego and pride. Overcome yourself by breaking the old pattern of pessimism and bitterness. Overcome yourself by realizing your freedom, and that you’re destined to be whoever you choose to be. Know in your heart, all things are possible, and the life you desire is about overcoming your old personality, and embracing the new. Danny G.
The Essence Of Our Being
Our ego always focuses on external matters which are irrelevant to who we are. If we allow our ego to control us, we lose all power while allowing the tide to overtake us. Self awareness is realizing we are in control through source, the essence of our being. It’s realizing seeking inward is our true calling, and when we seek within, everything falls into place, including all the lives we touch. Danny G.
Accepting Freedom
Freedom is acceptance. Acceptance of ourselves, the unknown, and our outer shell. It’s accepting that adversities are simply a part of life. It’s moving beyond them and creating a masterpiece despite the shackles trying to press us down. It’s moving beyond the egotistical self and realizing our power through the ultimate divine and infinite intelligence. Danny G.