Seek Within and Listen

Everyone has something to teach you if you seek within and release your ego. If there was nothing to learn, they wouldn’t cross your path and remain here nevertheless. Everyone is a co-creator if you allow the lesson to come to fruition and bloom. From the homeless man to the wealthy man to your loved ones, allow it to transform you and release your critical lenses. It’s a lesson learned in your divine journey as you tread the path and make it your own. Nobody is perfect, but everyone has something to give if you simply look within and listen. Danny G. 

Unwavering Faith

Seek strength from the divine, and you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Seek wisdom above your ego lenses, and allow your gifts to shine through. As you pour your energy into your spiritual journey, you’ll realize nothing is impossible or unattainable, through your unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.

Stand Firmly

Stand firmly in times of affliction, and don’t allow the storm to overtake you and cause you to give in. Stand firmly by seeking within and having faith in the unseen forces working on your behalf. Stand firmly by releasing your ego, and allowing the divine to guide you, lead you, and cause you to overcome and triumph. Danny G.

Source of Inspiration

When quieting the mind, contemplation and reflection becomes our main source of inspiration, and cause for change. When external matters and accumulation becomes our sole purpose, the universe has a way of bringing us back to what truly matters. Some people will fight it, while others will allow it to change them, mold them, and redefine them. The ones who allow this transformation to take place are the ones who will spark change, and create a greater humanity. Danny G.

Recognize the Depth

Observe and you will see what’s hidden underneath, rather than listening to the ego that looks merely at the surface. Recognize the depth, rather than the superficial outer shell. True acceptance and love comes from seeing the soul, which is our true potential and who we truly are. Danny G.

Offer It With Love

Constructive criticism is acknowledging you also have flaws. Constructive criticism is not thinking you’re above. Constructive criticism reaches out with love,  knowing both have struggles, as they tread the path of imperfections. Therefore, don’t judge, only offer it with love. Danny G. 

Seeking Wisdom and Not the Ego

You shouldn’t have to force it into being. You shouldn’t have to convince them you’re real. You shouldn’t waste your time, on someone who is ruled by their ego and disguise. For some people, their ego controls them, and for others, their wisdom guides them. The ego never brings joy, but wisdom is led by the soul. The one who seeks the soul, will find clarity and peace within the storm. Danny G.

Beyond the Ego

Don’t be superficial when assessing others, for everyone has a story and a reason for being. Compassion is understanding there’s much more beyond the surface. It’s looking beyond the ego lenses, and seeing the depth underneath. When you acknowledge this, everyone becomes a teacher, and you learn there’s a lesson from everyone’s journey. Danny G.

Beneath the Frail Eyes

Most people won’t ask the question beneath those frail eyes. They’ll look and form their opinion with their lies. Everyone has a reason for the image they portray. Some people simply look at the surface, and disregard. A true healer says there’s much more beneath those frail eyes, and I choose to see what’s hidden on the inside. Danny G.

Joy Versus Ego

There are people who seek merely wealth, lust and attractiveness in a partner. There are people who seek primarily love, appreciation or loyalty in their significant other. One brings ego and the other brings joy. What’s sad is many choose the ego over the joy. Danny G.