Your emotional state doesn’t have to be based on the hardships, environment or circumstances. Your emotional state is how you respond to the hardships, negative environment and circumstances. Your happiness is your response to the events in your life. Once your life changes, know the exterior manifestations only add greater joy. Danny G.
A Good Creation
If we create with our mind, our mind becomes our truth and reality. Everyone is creating their version of reality through their thoughts and emotions. A figment of imagination can become yours if you allow it. You can create a good figment of imagination, or you can create chaos. Danny G.
Your Response is Everything
Do not look at the events and circumstances as an excuse to not move forward and let go. Look at your emotions about the events and circumstances. The events and circumstances are always changing and evolving. The best way to change them is your response to them. Danny G.
Seek Stillness and Listen
Feelings come and go as we’re emotional beings who are bound to care and love. Seeking to react differently to your emotions is key. Feel it, ponder, reflect, contemplate, and the answer will come as you quiet your mind, seek stillness and listen. Danny G.
Acting Productively
The more you bury your emotions and allow them to linger, those feelings become you. The more you act on these emotions productively, you alter the course in your favor. If you can continually guide your emotions to more loving faithful thoughts, the greater the benefit you’ll feel in your life and future. Therefore, think loving faithful thoughts, and they will become the essence of who you truly are. Danny G.
Honoring Your Feelings
Honor your feelings, don’t condemn them, for they are there for your spiritual journey in this physical plane. They’re there to guide you, to teach you and to be exactly what they are meant to be, a communication from the divine. When you remember this, you won’t dislike your feelings whatever they may be. You’ll use them for your personal growth, transformation and the expansion of humanity. Danny G.
The Language of the Soul
Emotions are the language of the soul. Whatever you feel deeply within the core of your being is God’s calling for your life. It’s the mission you set forth to be. It’s the purpose you give yourself in this physical plane. Don’t wander in the desert forever without that guiding light shining the way. Don’t walk somebody else’s path. You are unique, authentic and you set the stage for its arrival. Danny G.
Mastering Your Emotions
Your reactions define your personality, strengths and weaknesses. If your reaction to challenges turn you pessimistic, bitter or fearful, that’s because you haven’t mastered your emotions. If your reaction is of love, compassion and faith, you learned to control your emotions. Learn to be at peace with your emotions without condemning them, but embracing them and letting them lead to personal transformation. Let go, embrace and be the Phoenix you are created to be. Danny G.
Seeking Inward Before Anything Else
Healing means focusing primarily on healthy thoughts and emotions
I believe conventional medicine is important and beneficial, however, the problem lies when we put all our faith on an outside system, we lose our power. We have no control over external matters, and when we rely solely on the system, we neglect the most important healing practice, which is seeking inward.
Seeking inward means focusing on our inner guidance and wisdom. It’s seeking our spiritual journey above everything else, for when we are spiritually strong, we can tackle whatever comes our way.
Spiritual strength means we know we have the insight, inspiration, and wisdom we need to overcome. It’s knowing the universal force that resides inside all of us created the universe, and is the universe, so there’s no task too difficult to overcome with this source.
It’s also knowing whatever strength we need is through declaring it into being, and knowing our power. Acknowledging we are spiritual beings is the first part, the second part is knowing how to use our power to our advantage.
It’s being aware of our source and knowing how to apply its laws. Think about what you want, speak about it, and then when the inspiration calls you, take the step. Create your own inspiration for what you desire. Create your own strength when you’re lacking. Focus on it so much that it becomes your reality and it resonates with the core of your being. Declare what’s rightfully yours. You can talk your way into a sour mood or anxiety, so you can talk your way into feeling strong, healthy, and vibrant.
When the step presents itself as a baby step or a leap, if you feel peace about it, move forward. I believe God speaks to us through a feeling of ease or uneasiness. If you feel that uneasiness in your gut that will not leave, it usually means it’s not the ideal path or you’re simply not ready.
Find that feeling of peace, that is essentially who we are through the divine source we are, then move forward knowing the ultimate provider is always within you, guiding you, and conspiring on your behalf.
Embrace the Inspiration
Embrace the stimulation, the motivation and the inspiration. Embrace the empowering thoughts that remind you of the source within you. Embrace the empowering emotions that you know in the depth of your being you shouldn’t suppress. You know you shouldn’t let inaction become your home, with your procrastination and unfulfilled dreams. You know it’s engraved in your soul, and destined to be. Danny G.