If you truly believed in the power of your thoughts, words and emotions, would you waste your time focusing on the worst case scenario? Or would you spend time focusing on the solution to your problems, and the greatness that lies before you? You can invest time for lack, or the greatness within you. Falling from time to time is inevitable, but not getting back up is ignorance. Be the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.
Shining Example
Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at one point. Revenge, or bitterness is optional. If you feel anger, use it constructively, and use it for your own healing and the well being of others. Be the shining example of the one who walks in love, forgiveness and compassion. Danny G.
Allow It to Redefine You
Don’t shrink back from overwhelming emotions out of fear or doubt. If you’re not ready, take a step back, but if it’s fear holding you back, allow it to redefine you, mold you and change you. Allow the bold creator you are to be brave in opposition, and create a beautiful piece of art. Danny G.
Beautiful Soul
There’s a lingering fear in the depth of your being wanting to break free. Although you squirm and attempt to bury your emotions, it only surfaces more. Find peace with your heart and soul, and learn to be at peace despite what’s simmering underneath. For when the fear no longer hinders you, peace and solace remains your power, gifting, and light. Then you allow what was once a hindrance, to bloom into a beautiful soul. Danny G.
Renewing Our Spirit
If you’re not conscientious and you keep on suppressing anger and bitterness, it will eventually spill out with your words and behavior. Anger and bitterness repressed ends up causing friction for you and your loved ones. Don’t avoid it and bury it. The key is to deal with these unwanted emotions in baby steps if we have to. When we deal with these emotions in the early stages, we avoid breaking down from years of suppressed emotions. When we’re conscientious, we renew our spirit to act out of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Danny G.
Feel It Then Move On
As long as you care, you will hurt. To say you won’t feel anything in life would be saying you’re not human. We’re emotional beings who originate from the divine, but we’re also housed in a physical body. That means we will feel rejection sometimes, but the only sin would be to give in to bitterness or fear. The proper way to feel rejection is to feel it, then move on, and be the best version of you. Danny G.
Don’t Neglect the Inner You
When we revert to a chemical to heal or numb the pain, our emotions lie dormant in the depth of our soul. Our emotions wait to be discovered through seeking within for its essential calling. When we don’t deal with our emotions, and we keep burying them with a chemical, we become dependent on something outside ourselves. When we always seek outside ourselves, we can never truly heal and be abundant. All good comes within, so don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.
Follow Your Intuition
Does anybody ever know what is best for you? We all have intuition and intentions for every choice along our path. Our intuition and intentions are meant to guide us towards safety and inevitably towards our goals and desires. We’re trained to listen to the experts or to follow what is considered appropriate or normal considering the circumstances, but is this ideal?
I believe the experts are there for a reason, and we should respect their expertise and consider their suggestions as well. However, the problem begins when we allow their suggestions to overwrite our gut feeling and intuition. When we feel uneasy about something, our soul is trying to speak to us. How many times have the experts been wrong? How many times did you say I should have followed my gut feeling? Then why are you basing your choices only on what is considered appropriate in another person’s approach?
Advice is good, especially from trained individuals and they can guide you and may keep you on course. However, no one knows exactly what path you should take other than you. Every individual on this planet is unique in some way, and we’ve been given feelings to distinguish our likes and our dislikes. These feelings are also there to make choices, based on our preferences and observations and ideally our gut feelings.
How many times has someone said I’ll just go with my gut on this one and he was right? How many times has someone followed through with something he knew he didn’t have peace about and he was disappointed? Our intuition is meant to guide us. Without intuition and feelings we’re depending only on others and what is considered appropriate or worthy in their opinion.
How can anybody else be certain what path you shall take? People including your loved ones, truly want you to experience joy and fulfillment, so they tell you what they believe will bring you joy and fulfillment. They tell you with complete sincerity whatever they believe will bring you joy considering what brings them joy. But what they don’t understand is that what brings them joy will be different than what brings you joy. What they believe is the best course or choice for you may not be in your highest interest.
Don’t live a life based on other’s expectations, the should’s and shouldn’t, based on somebody’s observations of what brings them joy and what they think will bring you joy. There’s no obligation in life other than the obligations you impose on yourself. Everyone has a different path and every journey is different. There’s no right or wrong way, there’s simply better choices based ideally on your life. You have free will to choose the better path, which inevitably creates your life story.
Have you ever seen a famous painting that wasn’t unique in one way or another. What makes the painting unique is that the painter decided to follow his intuition and not someone else. If you want to be your authentic self, follow your unique gifts and don’t allow others to conform you into their idea of appropriate action or normalcy. True creation is saying I’m going to follow my gut feeling and motive and I won’t allow others to convince me otherwise.