Create Your Beliefs and Expectations

The only control others have over you is their power to convince you of their truth. If you allow them to change your beliefs and expectations negatively, you give them your power. Create your own beliefs and expectations, and allow your inner truths to permeate your soul. Danny G. 

Always A Solution

Would God, the one who created the universe and is the universe, not have every answer and solution to your every concern? Would the infinite intelligence not have the capability and power to bring about your greatest desires? You block this power by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness, and you allow this power when you act out of faith, love and wisdom. Danny G. 

Shifting Your Beliefs and Expectations

Don’t focus merely on others’ beliefs and expectations, for they have their own agenda, and often it has nothing to do with you. Focus on shifting your beliefs and expectations for your desires and God’s will for your life. Your only control and power remains in I AM, not in others’ misconceptions of who they think you are. Danny G. 

Ignite A Fire

Your imagination is powerful. It has the potential to create tremendous success. Use it wisely, and use it constructively for you and the well being of others. Ignite a fire in your heart that cannot be extinguished. Danny G.  

Practice Mindfulness

The chaos around you doesn’t have to impact you, or confuse you. When your mind is at peace regardless of the havoc or the dismay, you mastered the mind. Practice mindfulness in the midst of confusion and frustration. Don’t allow the adversity to overtake you, practice stillness and tranquility, and let your inner world shine through the dark valleys and stormy night. Danny G. 

Conquer and Thrive

Replace darkness with light, by affirming the divinity you are. Replace pessimism with optimism, by letting go of attachment and allowing the good. Affirm the divine source you are, your power, and self control to conquer and thrive. Danny G. 

Greatest Freedom

You have no control over others. You have the power to influence others, or you can pray for your loved ones, but the only control and power you have is over yourself. So focus on being the best version of you, and lead by the clarity of your example. When you do this, it’s the greatest influence you have over another, and it’s the greatest freedom you can give to yourself and others. Danny G. 

Causing You to Soar

Don’t allow the adversity to overwhelm you and cause you to surrender. Allow this challenge to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, and cause you to thrive. Nobody is without weaknesses, and the world is full of imperfections. Allow these imperfections to cause you to soar, high enough that the worldly calamities and treachery cannot touch you, as they remain far beyond and under your feet. Danny G. 

Self Reliance

Self reliance is depending on you, the deliberate creator you are. When you rely solely on others, you will never gain full control. The only control you have is from yourself, your thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, seek you first, depend on your own unique abilities, and allow the universe to conspire on your behalf. Danny G. 

Empower Yourself

Empower yourself by being pro peace. Empower yourself by being pro abundance. Empower yourself by being pro freedom. Live from this space of inspiration and wisdom. Whatever you are fighting against, you are perpetuating its very existence. Therefore, seek favor, blessings and love, and allow them to flourish in their ideal timing and sequence. Danny G.