Two Voices

The universe is always speaking to you. Inspiration, enlightenment and wisdom is calling you. You have two voices. One voice is the benevolent universe, and the other are misconceptions of your world. You can make either of them larger in your mind. Know that your world impacts others. Honor your responsibility to bring peace and faith to the world. Danny G. 

Uniquely You

Do not seek to find the one and only path. Choose what resonates with you, and let go of the rest. You may find much enlightenment from one philosophy or one leader, but it shouldn’t stop there. You are the master of your own ship. You don’t need another to tell you this is the one and only way. You have the wisdom within you. You have infinite intelligence within you. Every great leader that walked this earth didn’t confine to one system. They remained authentic, steadfast and that’s what it means to be uniquely you. Danny G. 

Today’s Ultimate Enlightenment

Within your evolution and the evolution of humanity lies truths and misconceptions. You decide what are truths and what are misconceptions. You are the leader of your mind and behavior. Don’t allow others to tell you this is the one and only path. Don’t allow yesterday to be your complete truth of today, since that defies growth and evolution. We are constantly evolving, and saying yesterday is the ultimate path is denying todays ultimate enlightenment. Danny G. 

Your Education in the World

Just as you choose your college institution, you also choose your education in the world. You can choose to be an uplifter, an inspiration and an enlightened soul, or you can choose darkness, temptations and flight. You can run from your calling, mission and purpose, or you can choose to embrace it, and live it whole heartedly. Whatever you choose defines the whole of who you are, and within it lies this beautiful journey we call life. Danny G. 

The Whispers

Listen to the whispers of your soul. They come as insight, inspiration and enlightenment meant to motivate you to action. With wisdom and creativity, you can achieve anything your heart desires. Danny G. 

The Gateway

Questions are the gateway to wisdom and enlightenment. For you cannot receive without asking. Without questions, you remain, but with questions you grow. With questions, you seek further. With questions you understand more. With questions, you create greater self awareness and transformation. Danny G. 

Focus on What Can Be

Instead of focusing on what was, focus on what can be. Focus on your dreams and goals. Inspire yourself, motivate yourself and enlighten yourself. From within lies infinite intelligence and energy waiting for you to claim yours. Danny G. 

The Thought Leader

A great leader empowers you to be your own leader. He enlightens you, and motivates you to action. He doesn’t coerce you with his expectations, as he teaches you that you have all the wisdom you need within you. Danny G. 

Creating With Energy

Thought with emotion creates inspiration. Feed your thoughts with wisdom, enlightenment and you will create the essence of your thoughts and emotions. You can create anything you want with your thoughts. Just like a magician, manipulates energy, you too create with energy. Danny G. 

Permeate Your Soul

We are all led to the truth when we’re ready. The insights, wisdom and enlightenment comes at the ideal time. Don’t procrastinate, don’t suppress it, and allow your new beliefs and expectations to permeate your soul. Danny G.