The Perpetual Change

Every day is another opportunity to achieve greater self awareness and enlightenment. There are many layers to unfold. When one answer or solution is revealed, another one is waiting for you to claim yours in the perpetual change of growth and transformation. Danny G. 

The Enlightened One

Ask yourself whenever overwhelmed with your challenges, what is my soul trying to tell me? What is it trying to remind me of? Turn the overwhelming challenge into a lesson of peace, wisdom and compassion. Seek inward, seek stillness and allow your enlightened self to shine through. Danny G. 

Boundless Opportunities

Sit with your disappointments, explore and understand their origin. Out of every disappointment lies your power to create and change. Explore how you can turn this road block into a success story. When you understand the road blocks, it becomes easier to change and create into this limitless universe, with boundless potential and opportunities. Danny G. 

Never Forgotten

At times, it’s the darkness that shapes you, and stirs the faith within you. For out of darkness, motivation is unleashed, inspiration calls you, and in time wisdom and enlightenment follows you wherever you go. For you cannot help but seek your way out of the darkness, and when you do find your escape, everything you learned along the way, you bring with you in your newfound life. Danny G. 

The Projection Of You

Your life is a projection of whatever you’re seeing in your mind’s eye. Project peace and you receive peace. Project wisdom and you have enlightenment. Project love and you are one with the divine, interconnected to every living species in the world and the universe at large. Danny G. 

Allow Faith

Faith and pessimism are a perception of reality. Perception can change by seeking wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. Pessimism is the opposite of faith where one predicts the worst outcome, or the worst case scenario. Reality is defined by perception and perception changes reality. Choose faith over pessimism and allow faith to lead the way. Danny G. 

A Lifetime

Love is joy, gratitude and peace. When you feel these emotions, you know you found love and enlightenment. Even though the trials, temptations and adversities comes knocking at your door, you still feel compassion, happiness and alignment. Your love doesn’t die, but only grows stronger in the end. Though the mist may appear from time to time, you remember its origin, journey and that you’re in it for a lifetime. Danny G. 

Entertain the Right Thoughts

Don’t feed the anger. Don’t feed the pessimism. And don’t feed the bitterness. Feed those emotions that cause enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration. Feed those emotions that cause compassion and acceptance. Feed the feelings of abundance and prosperity. Learn to entertain the right thoughts, and let go of the rest. Danny G. 

A New Creation

Letting go is the best path to enlightenment and happiness. Letting go means releasing negative attachments and baggage. It’s embracing the new and creating anew. It’s accepting the past, learning from it and moving on to the next chapter. It’s knowing everyday is a new creation and work of art. Danny G. 

Leading With Unity

When unity leads us, we live peacefully and harmoniously among each other. When science unites with God, there is acceptance and expansion on all levels. When the health care system unites with God, the only goal is to create health and peace among its people. When the political system unites with God, there is no separation or conflict. There is inclusion and solutions, not bashing each other without a greater purpose than to ridicule and boast the ego. When we learn unity is the path to enlightenment, peace, love, acceptance and growth, we grow on all levels accepting each other and working together to create a peaceful world, and a peaceful nation. Danny G.