Step Out And Step In

Step out of the confusion created by your mind. Step out of the pessimism created by your mind. And step out of the bitterness and fear created by your mind. All these negative emotions are self created, and it’s your reaction to environments and circumstances that defines everything. When you step out, you allow God to reveal his insights and wisdom, and you allow yourself to experience true clarity of mind. Living from this space is the way of the true masters. Living this way is the path to enlightenment and growth. All power is from within, and when you seek within, anything is possible. Danny G. 

God in Human Form

You’re a God or Goddess in human form, and whatever wisdom, enlightenment and love comes from the God within you. You are an ambassador of the divine, imparting your gifts and knowledge to the world for the ultimate expansion of the universe. Danny G. 

Greater Awareness

People are constantly looking for one means of living, one truth to live by, bound by one belief system. Individuality and humanity is constantly changing and evolving, and what was right yesterday, has now expanded to greater awareness. Greater awareness doesn’t make yesterday wrong, it just expands to the whole. Don’t seek to conform others, for everyone has their own journey and path to enlightenment. And don’t allow others to conform you, because if you do, your authenticity and uniqueness will never shine through. Danny G. 

Don’t Shrink Back

Don’t seek to rid yourself of all your problems, for everyone has their own challenges and adversities. Understand their existence, don’t shrink back, and allow them to strengthen you, enlighten you, and create your breakthrough and success. Danny G. 

Strong Will

Obligations are self imposed, as there is no right or wrong, there are only choices that agree or disagree with your soul. What makes you unique is your strong will and determination not to follow the rest, and do what resonates with your core. Danny G.

Offer It With Love

Constructive criticism is acknowledging you also have flaws. Constructive criticism is not thinking you’re above. Constructive criticism reaches out with love,  knowing both have struggles, as they tread the path of imperfections. Therefore, don’t judge, only offer it with love. Danny G. 

Programming the Mind

You can program your mind to be, do, and have anything you want. Think about something long enough, your words and behavior will follow behind, and it will eventually spill out in the external world. Therefore, program your mind for health, happiness, and success, and eventually your external world will embrace the essence of your thoughts, and desires. Danny G. 

Seeking Wisdom and Not the Ego

You shouldn’t have to force it into being. You shouldn’t have to convince them you’re real. You shouldn’t waste your time, on someone who is ruled by their ego and disguise. For some people, their ego controls them, and for others, their wisdom guides them. The ego never brings joy, but wisdom is led by the soul. The one who seeks the soul, will find clarity and peace within the storm. Danny G.

The Path of Greater Joy

There is no right or wrong, there are just better choices that agree with your soul. There are those choices that resonate with your very core, and there are those choices that steal or take away your joy. It’s not a question of right or wrong, it’s a question of “are you happy, and which path will bring more joy?” Danny G.