Walking in Forgiveness

You walk unforgivably because you fail to see them for who they are. They are merely confused, clueless, and lost in the chaotic world of today. Everyone has a reason for who they are today, whether their present molds them or their past. Be the forgiving person who sees them for who they are, and the potential of who they can be. Danny G.

Don’t Neglect the Inner You

When we revert to a chemical to heal or numb the pain, our emotions lie dormant in the depth of our soul. Our emotions wait to be discovered through seeking within for its essential calling. When we don’t deal with our emotions, and we keep burying them with a chemical, we become dependent on something outside ourselves. When we always seek outside ourselves, we can never truly heal and be abundant. All good comes within, so don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.

Stay True to You

Don’t allow people to change you into someone you’re not. If you’re not careful, humanity can convince you the wrong is right. In time you’ll wonder why you lost your integrity and faith in God. Accept everyone has their journey and accept yours is to be the best you, and be true to who you are. Danny G.

Joy Versus Ego

There are people who seek merely wealth, lust and attractiveness in a partner. There are people who seek primarily love, appreciation or loyalty in their significant other. One brings ego and the other brings joy. What’s sad is many choose the ego over the joy. Danny G.

I’ll Hope the Best

Even if it doesn’t work out, my intentions remain the same. Even if it doesn’t work out, my thoughts will never change. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll hope the best for you until my dying day. Danny G.

Engraved in the Soul

It’s God’s desire for you to have inner peace that surpasses all understanding. When you’re at peace, you’re happy, healthy and truly fulfilled. When you’re at peace, you know the universe is as it should be, and orchestrated in your divine favor. You know there’s a sequence for everything, and a timing for everything. You know seasons come and go, and obstacles enter without a warning in sight, but your peace remains, as you steadily engrave it in your soul. Danny G.

Future Changes With Perspective (Poem)

I look at you, from a distance saying,

How will you unfold from this distant smile?

Will you live in the moment, as the Buddhists do? 

Will you embrace the moment, 

Be you, and chase your dreams? 

Will you press pause, 

Stand still, despite the pain? 

The moment I choose, 

The future changes,

And the moment I choose, 

From a state 

Of grace, 

The future changes. 

The moment I choose, 

From this space 

Of enlightenment,

The future changes.

Press pause, stand still,

And just be.

From this state of grace,

Everything changes,

From this space of enlightenment, 

Everything changes,

For me, you,

And the ultimate expansion 

Of humanity.

Being the Confirmation

By growing spiritually, and by focusing on what truly matters which is our spiritual evolution, we can’t help but to lead by the clarity of our example. By leading by the clarity of our example, we become a confirmation of the divine working in our life. We then provide enlightenment to those that feel broken. Danny G.