Insurmountable Strength

You may not have a choice over your environment, the world, or the fact that we all face hardships. But one thing you do have control over and you always will is your free will. With your free will comes an insurmountable strength and ability to overcome and thrive. Remember this when life knocks you down. Remember that you don’t have to stay down, and it all comes with your free will. Danny G. 

Only an Addition

Your emotional state doesn’t have to be based on the hardships, environment or circumstances. Your emotional state is how you respond to the hardships, negative environment and circumstances. Your happiness is your response to the events in your life. Once your life changes, know the exterior manifestations only add greater joy. Danny G. 

Question and Experience is Key

Desire is created often by observing your surroundings, the contrast and the imperfections, and wanting to create change for yourself and others. By observing the contrast and the imperfections, clarity manifests. You become more self aware. By accepting life’s contrast and imperfections while implementing change, you’re in the process of discovery and manifestation. Don’t become the system, create the system. Be deliberate. Be authentic. Question and experience is key to creating meaningful change. Danny G. 

Be You

The life we have now is an accumulation of our thoughts, actions and environment. We think it into being through the years. Some thoughts are subconscious. Learn to be conscious more. Learn to be deliberate more. Learn to be you more. Danny G. 

Your Higher Self and Soul

Messages come in all different forms and types. They come from contrast, environments and upbringings. Find the ones that resonate with your higher self and soul. Find the ones that bring you inner peace and happiness. This is the way to find your inner self, personal growth and transformation. Danny G. 

Just the Starting Point

Don’t be mislead by your environment. Our environment is just the starting point. It’s not the final destination. What we do with our environment determines our life story. The environment can leave us pessimistic and bitter, or we can create our own optimism and compassion. We can allow our faith to shine through. Danny G. 

The Greatest Response

Declare you are a master of your genetics. When you say you are your genes, you lose your power. When you say you have the power to master your genes, you master your mind and body. Saying we are merely genes is powerless, but the way we respond to our genes and environment defines everything. Danny G. 

Be Sensitive

It’s easy to get pulled into fear. The fear of what may be, the fear of lack, the fear of illness, and the fear of adversities. Your environment and conditions can pull you in if you allow it. Be sensitive when your mind wanders into fear. Be mindful when you steer off course. Just as fear can grapple you to the ground, so can faith and optimism become essentially who you are. Danny G. 

Divinity Expressed in Physicality

Many of us are asleep to who we truly are. We believe we are our genes, a product of our environment and a physical evolution. Though everything plays a part in our journey, we are much more that physicality. We are extensions of the universal spirit that transcends the universe. Our capabilities and abilities are limitless. Our limits are self imposed. Our reality is self imposed. We are creators of our destiny as we march boldly to our next pursuit and victory. We are spirit. We are powerful. We are enlightenment. We are divinity expressed in a human body. Danny G. 

Your Opportunities Are Boundless

Don’t allow your environment to create your future, for you can be in the most detrimental, health or the most detrimental poverty, but if you dare to see yourself through the limitless divine, and infinite intelligence, your opportunities are boundless. Danny G.