Many of us are asleep to who we truly are. We believe we are our genes, a product of our environment and a physical evolution. Though everything plays a part in our journey, we are much more that physicality. We are extensions of the universal spirit that transcends the universe. Our capabilities and abilities are limitless. Our limits are self imposed. Our reality is self imposed. We are creators of our destiny as we march boldly to our next pursuit and victory. We are spirit. We are powerful. We are enlightenment. We are divinity expressed in a human body. Danny G.
Your Opportunities Are Boundless
Don’t allow your environment to create your future, for you can be in the most detrimental, health or the most detrimental poverty, but if you dare to see yourself through the limitless divine, and infinite intelligence, your opportunities are boundless. Danny G.
The Unique Soul You Are
Over time we get conditioned over our environments and circumstances. It’s as if we’re running on auto pilot based on other’s misconceptions and beliefs. We follow the pack, get lost in our tracks, forgetting about our uniqueness. Authenticity defines us, not the trend. Find your true path, negate the rest, and be you, the unique soul you are. Danny G.
The Real Work is Inward
You can change your location, and you can change your environment, but you must change your thoughts for greater change to occur. You must seek inward to grow, and to let go of negative attachments, past hurts and disappointments. Danny G.
Programmed Consciously
Do you want to be programmed environmentally, or do you want to be programmed consciously? Being programmed environmentally is allowing our environments to take control and lead us. Being programmed consciously is building self awareness, and discovering our true potential, power and self control. Danny G.
Let Authenticity Lead the Way
Everyone comes from a different emotional past and history. We are the culmination of our actions, feelings and environment. What works for some may not work for others. Find what resonates with you, your unique calling, and let authenticity lead the way. Danny G.
Our Reaction to Our Environments
You can allow the environment to destroy you, or you can allow it to make you. No matter where you came from, from the tiniest village to the great metropolitan cities, you can spark change in your own unique way. You are authentic, and whether you like it or not, you embarked on this journey for reasons to be discovered. Seek personal growth, not bitterness. Seek self awareness, not confusion. Seek joy and life in abundance, don’t wander in the desert forever more. The choice is up to you to be the deliberate creator you’re born to be and bound to thrive. Danny G.
Heaven on Earth
We can declare heaven in our life, or we can declare hell. The choice is up to us. Our environments at times grabs a hold on us, but it’s our reaction that we must overcome to create success and a breakthrough. Don’t be conditioned to a fate outside your control, create your own heaven on earth. You create it by seeking faith, wisdom and compassion. You create by knowing you’re not a slave to the world or your environment. Pursue your soul whole heartedly, and you will have the desires of your heart. Danny G.
The Starting Point
If you look at your environment, you’ll realize there’s lessons to be learned no matter what the conditions are. You can learn from your environment, or you can let it destroy you. For every environment has the opportunity to create anew. Embrace love. Embrace faith. Create a life of service. Don’t condemn your environment, see it as the perfect standing point for your divine mission. That’s how success is created, and that’s the starting point to breakthroughs and triumph. Danny G.
The Ideal Environment
Spend time with those who uplift you, and who sees the potential and greatness within you. Be conscientious about who you spend time with, for potential within the right environment, creates success and breakthroughs. Danny G.