Quote for today

Don’t cling to something that is only meant for a season. Times shift, and so do you. Life is perpetual change and evolution. Embrace the continuation of your journey. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Be careful with the word “all,” for this is rarely the case. When you’re not for politics, does it mean they’re all corrupt? When you don’t believe in religion, does it mean, there are never any truths to its teachings? When you believe philosophy is useless, does it mean nobody receives benefit from it? We profile one as if they’re all the same. My advice to you is let everyone walk their own path. Allow them to have their journey and evolution. Advice is fine, but coercion is not from God. Be uniquely you and allow them to be uniquely themselves. Danny G. 

True Meaning of Mastery

Mastery doesn’t mean perfection or completion. Life is perpetually changing and evolving. Mastery means self awareness that with every challenge, I can overcome it. With every challenge, there is a solution. With every challenge, I can move beyond it. I can create deliberately as though the challenge isn’t against me, it’s for me. Danny G. 

Begin Anew

There are those people who resist change, and there are those people who embrace it. Life is an evolution. We can stay in the past forever, or we can adopt a new philosophy, a new age, a new practice. Do as before, and you get the same results. Begin anew, and you create positive change in the world. Danny G. 

Honor Your Emotions

Honor your emotions while remaining in control. Honoring your emotions means acceptance. It’s accepting you are human and evolving. It’s accepting that failures, trial and error is part of life. Acceptance releases the negative energy and attachment. It’s embracing your uniqueness and authenticity while being aware of your power. It’s knowing you guide the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

A Beacon and Inspiration

There is no end game. Life is a constant evolution of personal and spiritual growth. You don’t get it done. You create it. You embrace it. You become the best version of you. By doing so, you become a beacon and inspiration for others to follow. Danny G. 

Today’s Ultimate Enlightenment

Within your evolution and the evolution of humanity lies truths and misconceptions. You decide what are truths and what are misconceptions. You are the leader of your mind and behavior. Don’t allow others to tell you this is the one and only path. Don’t allow yesterday to be your complete truth of today, since that defies growth and evolution. We are constantly evolving, and saying yesterday is the ultimate path is denying todays ultimate enlightenment. Danny G.