Mastering Your Strengths

Practice your strengths, learn from your weaknesses, and be the deliberate creator you’re born to be. Strengths can be mastered, and weaknesses can be blessings, if you allow them to teach you and speak to you. These lessons are for your own evolution, the contribution of the world and the well being of our planet. Danny G. 

Make Peace With It

Do not punish yourself, for that inequity and challenge was meant for your own expansion and evolution. Bless the inequity and adversity, embrace it, and make peace with it. Know they are merely stepping stones to a greater you. Danny G. 

Don’t Walk Randomly

Do you merely want evolution, or do you want to seek your spiritual evolution? Within your spiritual evolution lies your power and potential. Within your spiritual evolution lies your faith and can do spirit. Don’t walk randomly without a means to an end. Embrace the divinity you are, and allow it to become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

Creation With the Divine

Your purpose is self created, a creation with the divine to unleash the greater you. What gives you passion and a love for life? What makes you fulfilled and full of life? Move forward with the divinity you are, and allow him to work in you for your evolution and the growth of humanity. Danny G. 


We’re on this physical plane for our personal growth and evolution. Even though we still fall from time to time, prevailing determines our success, not failure. Our success is not determined by the number of times we fall, but by the number of times we overcome, conquer and triumphed. Danny G. 

Following the Soul

You feel safe and comfortable standing still. In fact you can stand still indefinitely. But true masters know that standing still doesn’t produce any change and progress. True masters are aware that growth is what they are, and it’s what humanity is. They choose what their soul chooses which is personal growth and fulfillment for themselves and for the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Embrace Growth Change and Expansion

Life doesn’t move backwards. It’s a constant motion forward with change and challenges before you. When you fight the inevitable process of life, which is growth, manifestation cannot occur. You must embrace growth, change and expansion. Embrace it for you, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Release the Barriers

Do not add barricades to your path and personal growth. You add barriers by resisting the God or Goddess within you. You add barriers by listening to the lies and misconceptions of you. And you add barriers by suppressing the God or Goddess within you. Allow your inner self to shine for you and the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Allow Source

Don’t come to the end of your life wishing you would have lived someone else’s life. You have a purpose, a calling for your evolution and the world. Stop procrastinating and take action steps to your dream. Know this purpose and calling is your very own creation with the divine. Allow source to lead the way. Danny G. 

Creating With the Divine

Why do you doubt the one who created you, who lives inside you and all the universe? For if he created you, he surely wanted you here. If he created you, it must have been out of love. If he created you, he must have had good intentions. Don’t believe life is coincidental or merely evolution. You’re here in this physical plane to discover yourself anew. You’re here to discover your potential within and the power you have through faith. You’re here as the deliberate creator creating with the divine for your ultimate will, purpose and dream. Danny G.