Allow Source

Don’t come to the end of your life wishing you would have lived someone else’s life. You have a purpose, a calling for your evolution and the world. Stop procrastinating and take action steps to your dream. Know this purpose and calling is your very own creation with the divine. Allow source to lead the way. Danny G. 

Creating With the Divine

Why do you doubt the one who created you, who lives inside you and all the universe? For if he created you, he surely wanted you here. If he created you, it must have been out of love. If he created you, he must have had good intentions. Don’t believe life is coincidental or merely evolution. You’re here in this physical plane to discover yourself anew. You’re here to discover your potential within and the power you have through faith. You’re here as the deliberate creator creating with the divine for your ultimate will, purpose and dream. Danny G. 

Embracing Change

Change is necessary for your growth and evolution, and you fight it consistently. Every success, breakthrough and healing came from change and taking risks. Every journey had setbacks and detours, but the ones who embraced change and remained focused on their dream, persevered and had their breakthrough. Danny G. 

Being Open Minded

Be open minded as you tread your path in the world. Contrast is needed for evolution and humanity. Don’t fight against it, stand your ground while accepting and appreciating uniqueness and individuality. Conflict is created by prejudice and assumptions. Be the leader who chooses peace over strife. Danny G. 

Greater Awareness

People are constantly looking for one means of living, one truth to live by, bound by one belief system. Individuality and humanity is constantly changing and evolving, and what was right yesterday, has now expanded to greater awareness. Greater awareness doesn’t make yesterday wrong, it just expands to the whole. Don’t seek to conform others, for everyone has their own journey and path to enlightenment. And don’t allow others to conform you, because if you do, your authenticity and uniqueness will never shine through. Danny G. 

Open Arms

Aging can either be a blessing or a curse. Accept that your body and life is always changing, and evolving. Don’t fight the inevitable, embrace it fully with open arms and know that with it comes wisdom, faith and strength. With wisdom, faith and an awareness of your own power, you can conquer anything. Life has its seasons, so learn to embrace every season with open arms. Danny G. 

Perception Changes Everything

You can see this world and humanity as merely evolution and happenstance, or you can see it as creation from the divine and all its interconnected beings. You can see it as chaos or havoc, or you can see it as your opportunity for growth and unity. Perception changes everything including you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

Letting Go and Allowing

Accept your human self with all its imperfections and impurities. They’re all part of your evolution and journey. Don’t fight against them, embrace them with loving arms without judgment and misconceptions. Embrace them with love in your heart. Accepting and embracing doesn’t mean inaction, it means letting go and allowing. 

True Worthiness

Teaching is for your own journey and evolution, not only for others. Worthiness is not leaving yourself out of the equation, in an attempt to merely save others. True worthiness is leading by the clarity of your example, and loving yourself enough to care for your journey and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Break Free from the Chain

Life is a constant evolution for your personal growth and joy. It’s an evolution for your spiritual journey as you face your giants and overtake them. You never cease to be, nor will you ever cease to be, so relax, let it unfold, and break free from the chain pressing you down. Break free from the self sabotaging limits, and declare yourself the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.