From Pessimism to Optimism

Some people use one negative aspect of their lives, and they make it their reality and expectations. Others take that negative aspect, they learn from it and grow. They allow what was once called pessimism to become optimism. When you’re optimistic, you open doors for greater joy and abundance. When you’re pessimistic, you cannot see the solution or the world of opportunities. Don’t close yourself off to the world from negativity. Allow what’s negative to become a building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G. 

What Resonates With You

Do not look merely at the source of teachings. Look for the teachings that resonate with you. Every master didn’t base their every choice, belief and expectation on only the source. Don’t live someone else’s life. Be unique. Be authentic. Be a master who says I’m not obliviously following a source of information. I can choose what choices, beliefs and expectations are aligned with my higher self. Danny G. 

The Root Cause

Be aware of your beliefs and expectations surrounding reoccurring pain. You’re not meant to suffer, squirm or fail endlessly. You need to get to the root cause of this reoccurring pain, speak to it, and tell it you have no place in my heart and soul. I understand pain will come in different seasons of life, but it’s not meant to be persistent. Speak to it, learn from it, let go of it, and embrace what the pain is telling you, to prosper and thrive. Danny G. 

A Fact or Perception

Ask yourself, is it a fact or is it a perception you created based on other’s beliefs and expectations. Reality is a perception, so what perception defines who you are and what comes next. What perception do you want to embrace and call your own. Danny G. 

Everything is Perception

Your emotional turmoil is not created by the events and circumstances of your life. They’re created by your perceptions, beliefs and expectations. Everything is perception, and it all stems from beliefs and expectations. You can choose optimism or pessimism, bitterness or compassion, fear or faith. Whatever you choose alters your current reality and paves the rest. Danny G. 

Assess Your Beliefs

Your beliefs in time become your expectations and then your experiences. With enough beliefs, expectations are created. With enough expectations, you move to action. Therefore, assess your beliefs, and see if they are worthy of you and your future. Danny G. 

Improving Your Expectations

Improve your expectations and see the greatness within you. See the potential within you. See the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Don’t settle into mediocrity or fall into the hands of others. Carve your path, declare your vision and see it through until the very end. Danny G. 

The Hero Resides in You

Expectations can sometimes lead to disappointments if you attach to it for your own happiness. Have expectations, but know at times you must fall before finding success. You must fall to know yourself better. And you must fall to realize the greatest hero resides in you. Danny G. 

Plan Your Life

You are the deliberate creator of your life story. If you don’t plan your life, you will fall into the expectations and plans of others. Remain stagnant and complacent, and nothing meanwhile changes. Declare your power and potential, and that you write the script, and you’re destined to triumph and succeed. Danny G. 

Being Conscious and Self Aware

Over time your subconscious mind becomes programmed over the external environment. Your subconscious is a set of perpetual habits, beliefs and expectations that are continually being played out in the background. You must learn to train your subconscious mind to be conscious and self aware. You train your subconscious by listening to your inner dialogue, and changing your focus. You change your focus by declaring it into being. Over time, with persistence and faith, you will retrain your subconscious mind into one of wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. That’s when you become the deliberate creator you’re born to be, a phoenix destined to triumph. Danny G.