You can go down that slippery slope and remember all those times you fell. Or you can take control, embrace the situation and be productive. Faith is asking you to follow your inner guidance, inspiration and wisdom. You can focus on your failures, infirmities and inadequacies, or you can focus on all the times you got back up. You can focus on the fact that you’re still here for a reason and it’s up to you to discover it. Danny G.
Follow Your Authenticity
Don’t allow your infirmities and failures to create your life and future. Follow the minority, not the majority. Follow your authenticity, not the trend. Deliberately create without conforming to a system. True mastery lies in self awareness about your potential and gifts within. Danny G.
The Lesson Within
When facing your infirmities and failures, do not look merely at the infirmities and failures themselves. Look at the lesson within. Look at your potential within. That’s how infirmities and failures turn into breakthroughs. Danny G.
Be Guided
Sometimes setbacks and failures come in disguise. They appear as if things are tumbling down when really things are falling into place. Look beyond, and everything you need will be provided to you for you to overcome. Be guided by your inner self and allow wisdom to flow through. Danny G.
Our Greatest Education
At times our greatest growth and education comes from failures and mistakes. If you can push past the fear and trepidation with your dream at the forefront, you will get to your destination. For persistence doesn’t quit, and faith always leads to your every desire. Danny G.
All the Wisdom You’ll Need
Failures and inadequacies mirrors what’s on the inside. Ask your inner self why these failures keep on happening. Ask your inner self why these inadequacies keep on happening within you. From within lies the wisdom and knowledge you’ll need from the infinite intelligence. Danny G.
Celebrating Yourself
Don’t focus merely on your failures. Focus on the fact that you had the strength to persist. Focus on the fact that despite the lack, or scarcity you still had faith. Celebrate yourself rather than belittling yourself. Celebrating yourself is the path to healing. Danny G.
Allow It To Teach You
Instead of allowing the failure to sink you down into sadness, allow it to teach you. The failure is meant to teach you what you need for success. You need to learn how to turn the failure into a triumph. You do so with optimism and faith. You do so with persistence. Listen within and you’ll realize that failure was just one stepping stone onto your victory. Danny G.
Turning Into Success stories
You can focus on all the reasons you can’t, or you can focus on all the reasons you can. Many people focus on the hardships, the trial and error and the insurmountable obstacles. They keep revisiting the same scenarios over and over again. They never move past it. Others focus on faith, possibilities and the limitless source we serve. You can choose what you focus on, and your intentions. From that vantage point, those defeats turn into success stories. Danny G.
Learning Experience
Life is a learning experience with trials and detours. The failures have the potential to blossom into your greatest desires. You allow your desires to manifest by not reliving the past. You allow them to be by learning instead of dreading or fearing the challenge. Practice the art of letting go, allowing and steadfast unwavering faith. Danny G.