Would a loving father create a world with nothing in our favor or power? Would a loving God create a world that was merely by chance or happenstance? We doubt his power and fairness, and we walk aimlessly without a means to an end. Don’t let that become you. Embrace the laws that govern humanity, and utilize them for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G.
Integrity and Fairness
Have faith in God to fight your battles for you. Don’t lower yourself by being bitter or unforgiving. Know that your integrity opens the door for God to work in your life. When you allow this spirit of fairness to rule over you, you allow the universe to protect you and conspire on your behalf. Danny G.
All Part of the Plan
The adversities you faced may not seem logical or fair. You may see it as a delay or unfortunate detour that was totally unnecessary. I can assure you, one day you’ll understand and know, it all happened for your greatest good and the evolution of humanity. You’ll know God had a plan, and you were part of it to create a brighter humanity. Danny G.