Always in Control

Though you may get belittled. Though you may get judged. Though you may get overlooked. One thing they cannot do is change your thinking. You’ll always have control over your thoughts and emotions. And changing your thinking is what turns a setback into a success story. Danny G. 

A Brilliant Mind

Often when you step outside the box, people are going to be against it. They’re not going to understand. They’ll try to keep you in the safety zone out of insecurity. They may even laugh at you. Just remember that with a brilliant mind comes a different level thinking. Don’t allow their words to become your reality. Listen within, be authentic, be unique, and you won’t be bound by mediocrity, but by a new philosophy which will inevitably lead to your success. Danny G. 

Already Won

There can be thousands by your side saying what doesn’t resonate with your soul, and there can be just a few who resonate with your soul. Whatever is in alignment with God wins. For his will cannot be thwarted, nor can it be reversed. By faith, the battle is already won. Danny G.  

Meant to be Climbed

Life is like a mountain meant to be climbed. The more steps you take, the closer you are to the top. Though the climbing can become unbearable and tiresome, remember why you started, and don’t forget the destination. For when the purpose and desire is strong enough, you don’t quit halfway. You continue to the mountain top. Danny G. 

Your New Reality

Do you want to believe everything is getting worse or better? Perception is a choice. Worldly views are a choice. Faith is a choice. You can create your own reality of pessimism, or you can create your own reality of optimism. Whatever you believe becomes a part of you and your new reality. Danny G. 

The Greatest Forgiveness

When it felt as though people pushed the worst out of me, what they really did was push the best out of me. For out of the betrayal, the injustice and the belittlement, came forgiveness, strength, faith and persistence to keep pushing forward. That’s what creates self awareness, personal transformation and a faith that doesn’t die. Danny G. 

Becomes Your Breakthrough

You can choose to call them setbacks, or you can choose to call them defining moments of deliberate creation. Within those setbacks lies answers and solutions to your challenges. Listen within, persist with faith, and those setbacks become your breakthrough. Danny G.