It’s Rightfully Yours

When it’s your calling and purpose, nothing can prevent its course. You can call it God’s will or your creation with the divine, but know whatever is destined to be, will come to fruition at the ideal timing. Stay strong, and boldly declare what’s rightfully yours. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Faith

Don’t allow vulnerability to become your home. We all have vulnerabilities at times, and the trek can seem uphill and bleak. Tread along with faith and love in your heart, and let go of all your fears and doubts. Let the inspiration guide you to your destination and dream, the inevitable process of persistence and faith. Danny G. 

Having Courage and Faith

What is fear but a long perpetuating set of beliefs and expectations? What is fear but a sensation in your body? What is fear other than acting on doubt and uncertainty? Next time fear comes knocking at your door, have the courage and faith to declare your strength and resilience. Have the faith to stand as the palm tree that bends but never falls. It’s sturdy enough to withstand the strong winds and thrive. Danny G. 

A Lesson on the Divine Path

You get so stuck on the old story that you forget about the new one. You get tangled up in your problems forgetting there’s always a means of escape. You focus on its intensity until it zaps your strength. The power lies in I AM. I AM an overcomer, and nothing can pull me down, as it was only a lesson on my divine path to propel me to greatness. Danny G.

Create Your Own Destiny

Embrace the future of uncertainty, doubt, and fear, and make it your own. Be brave in affliction and know God is within you fighting your battles. Know the universal force is greater than any affliction, or any plague. The plague was only meant to unleash the greater you, and the gifts that were lying dormant. Allow them to be and create your own destiny, as you march steadily towards your victory. Danny G. 

Unwavering Faith

Seek strength from the divine, and you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Seek wisdom above your ego lenses, and allow your gifts to shine through. As you pour your energy into your spiritual journey, you’ll realize nothing is impossible or unattainable, through your unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.

Steps of Faith

Start with baby steps if you must, if leaps of faith only leaves you tired and bleak. One step at a time with persistence and faith, is enough to tread mountains and win. When the challenge knocks you to the ground, and you cannot summon the energy to get up, gather all the strength and wisdom you can muster up, persevere, and create a magnificent piece of art. Danny G.

Dwell in Possibilities

Dwell in possibilities and faith. Dwell on your can do spirit, and untapped potential within. Dwell on the most powerful force in the universe, arranging events and circumstances in your favor, and conspiring on your behalf. Dwell on the fact that this universal spirit is always with you, leading you to prosper and triumph. Danny G.

Stand Firmly

Stand firmly in times of affliction, and don’t allow the storm to overtake you and cause you to give in. Stand firmly by seeking within and having faith in the unseen forces working on your behalf. Stand firmly by releasing your ego, and allowing the divine to guide you, lead you, and cause you to overcome and triumph. Danny G.

Have Faith and Seek Within

Wake up with a yearning in your heart that all is well, everything is working together for your good, and humanity. Wake up knowing the infinite and limitless intelligence is inside you, guiding you, and causing you to triumph. Wake up knowing the answers and prayers you seek are waiting for you when you have faith in this power and seek within. Danny G.