Focus on all the times you conquered and thrived. Focus on all your accomplishments and success. Focus on the joyful moments you had. This is the best gateway to happiness and success. Focusing on lack stops you from seeing all the beauty around you and all the beauty that is meant to come with faith and peace in your heart. Danny G.
Determination to Pursue
Don’t be afraid of your failures and mistakes, and don’t be afraid to admit them. For some of the greatest minds in history failed time again and again. What created their breakthrough was their unwillingness to give in, and their determination to pursue. Danny G.
Don’t Walk Randomly
Do you merely want evolution, or do you want to seek your spiritual evolution? Within your spiritual evolution lies your power and potential. Within your spiritual evolution lies your faith and can do spirit. Don’t walk randomly without a means to an end. Embrace the divinity you are, and allow it to become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
Blocking the Noise
You need to quiet your mind, hear him, know him and have no doubt. Block out the noise, and embrace your heart and soul. Know this stillness and tranquility lives inside you at all times. With this stillness lies a world of knowledge and your potential within. Embrace it, claim it yours, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
Already Yours
Let go of negative attachments, past hurts and disappointments. You have so much potential within you. You have so much more joyous and successful experiences waiting for you. Embrace your freedom, power and claim it yours as though it’s already in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Destined to Thrive
You always have two choices. It’s either optimism or pessimism. It’s either faith or fear. It’s either bitterness or compassion. You can remain stuck in the realm of negativity or you can embrace who you truly are, a being of light, destined to thrive. Danny G.
Growth and Devotion
God admires growth and devotion. He admires faith and persistence. When we commit ourselves to walking in his ways, he opens doors where we thought there were only barriers. He conspires on our behalf for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.
You find freedom by embracing your own power. You find freedom by choosing faith over fear. You find freedom by quieting the mind despite the chaos or havoc. All this together creates miracles on your behalf. With persistence and faith, anything is possible. Danny G.
Acts Of Faith
Never supplicate with God, for supplication is an act of lack, not of faith. When you supplicate you deny your faith, for whatever you ask in faith, you know you shall receive it, if it’s God’s will. Know God’s will always has your highest interest at heart. Know God’s will for you is happiness, peace and success. Affirm it, declare it, and know it’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Good people and loved ones are like medicine. Surround yourself with optimism, faith and compassion, and it’s healing to the body, mind and spirit. Danny G.