Believing we cannot have all the great things we hope for, is essentially saying we’re unworthy or inadequate. For if you believed in your power and gifts, nothing can hold you back. You would know that you are loved, cherished, and that God has unlimited power to unleash his magic. Danny G.
Persistence and Faith
All progress must come from a recognition of our weaknesses and flaws, and a determination to grow. It’s accepting we’re imperfect beings who will fall from time to time, and it’s accepting life’s not perfect, as we’ll always need to strive for greater. But with persistence, faith, and taking action to our dream, the victory is inevitable if we simply don’t give in. Danny G.
Faith Opens the Door
Pessimism and fears, create your life story, and all the so called negative experiences. You’ve been pushing them down for so long, you forgot you created its very existence. Don’t be stagnant and complacent with your thoughts, create intentionally, and expect wellness and success, while knowing, faith opens the door to all abundance. Danny G.
Infinite and Limitless
Feeling weak or inferior is your inability to see yourself through God’s loving eyes. For if you knew the God and Goddess that you are, you would never feel weak. You would know the very power that created the universe dwells inside you at all times. This same power would never abandon you, as it dwells inside you infinitely and his powers are limitless and effortless, for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.
The One Commonality
Everyone that healed, whether it’s a physical or mental ailment, had one commonality. The one commonality was they believed. For if they didn’t believe, the weight of their illness would have made them surrender. Without believing in wellness or recovery, action follows the opposite. Without believing in wellness or recovery, words follow lack. Your biggest healer is your thought, but then you must allow your words and actions to permeate this belief. Danny G.
The Power That Moves Worlds
God has given you free will to choose as you wish. You have the power that moves worlds inside you, and you can either choose light, or darkness. Whatever you choose defines the whole of who you are, and it defines your life story and whichever lives you touch. Danny G.
The Inevitable
The more I call you from afar, I can feel your existence within my bones. I can grip it with the palm of my hands, so much that the illusion shifts my mood. I know the dream feels inevitable, but I know the dream is inevitable, if I simply allow myself, to create life this way. Danny G.
Anything is Possible
Your mind and soul knows the path to your ultimate peace and happiness. It knows what to do to stay at its optimal health. Don’t fight against it, just allow this force to dominate. When you allow this force to dominate, you allow the life force to surge through your veins. With this, anything is possible. Danny G.
Simply Believe
If your primary objective is to be the best version of you, and be a guiding light to the world, everything you need will come at the ideal time. Everything you need will be provided for your unique mission, and everything you want can also come if you simply believe. Danny G.
Speaking to the Storm
We don’t pay any attention to our thoughts and actions, then we end up with a life of many troubles. We act on impulse then realize we should have thought it through. We constantly focus on the negative, then we end up unhappy or depressed. If we can contemplate our thoughts and actions, we would avoid trouble and distress. Contemplation is key to acquiring wisdom, and not letting the storm sweep us away. With contemplation, wisdom and faith, we speak to the storm and make it vanish. Danny G.