Your self worthiness and confidence has a great effect on how you live your life. It defines your future, and your creation. Know you are worthy for expansion on every level and to achieve great things. It all starts with the image you project in your mind of yourself. Declare your worthiness, declare your confidence, and your inevitable creation. Danny G.
Creating With the Divine
Why do you doubt the one who created you, who lives inside you and all the universe? For if he created you, he surely wanted you here. If he created you, it must have been out of love. If he created you, he must have had good intentions. Don’t believe life is coincidental or merely evolution. You’re here in this physical plane to discover yourself anew. You’re here to discover your potential within and the power you have through faith. You’re here as the deliberate creator creating with the divine for your ultimate will, purpose and dream. Danny G.
Broaden Your Horizons
All the insight and wisdom you’ll ever need already exists in the world. Your only role is to tap into it. You tap into it by recognizing the universal source that transcends the universe, and realizing this energy is within you. You tap into it by recognizing your power and freedom. You tap into it by seeking inward for its answers and solutions. Don’t be confined with your human self, broaden your horizons, and know the deliberate creator you are. Danny G.
Action Mindfulness and Faith
Don’t be the one who only dreams of success and never takes action or risks. Be the deliberate creator you truly are, and allow the universe to handle the rest. Dreams are necessary for your growth and spiritual journey, but they also require your action, mindfulness and faith. Danny G.
All About Choices
It’s all about choices, choices with your thoughts, the words you speak and your behavior. There’s nothing off limits when you align your thoughts, words and behavior with the divine. When you act out of faith, doors will open for you that you thought were impossible at one point. You’re always creating yourself anew, and it all starts with your thoughts, words and behavior. Danny G.
Art Of Thinking
Just as negative thinking can latch and have a hold on you, so can positive thinking latch on your side. Master the art of optimism and faith, and you’ll master life. For every thought is either of pessimism or optimism, and lack or faith. Practice the art of thinking and you’ll experience true joy and fulfillment. Danny G.
The Infinite Field Of Possibilities
Be authentic, be unique, and be your genuine self. A replica has no contrast or insight other than its replica. He doesn’t stand out from the crowd. Can there be a world with only one replica? Everyone has something to give, and when you seek your inner guidance and wisdom, you tap into the infinite field of possibilities to create a greater world. Danny G.
Optimism Faith and Gratitude
Optimism, faith and gratitude gives you strength and perseverance. Pessimism, fears and bitterness weakens you and steals from you. Therefore, be conscientious about your thoughts, words and deeds, and allow them to be an expression of who you truly are, and of what you claim to be. Danny G.
Relax With Faith
There will be setbacks and pain. There will be striving for greater. There will be failure and success. All this together creates the new version of you and your newfound life. Don’t fight it, relax in the process, knowing it will all be ok with persistence and faith. Danny G.
Have Faith in the Inevitable
Wisdom is continuously seeking our soul, and listening and acting on our inner guidance from the divine. With wisdom comes growth, happiness and success, for in achieving wisdom you achieve these states of being. Wisdom is accepting each season and embracing them, and it’s seeking the God or Goddess within us. He has all the answers and solutions to our every challenges, so have faith in the inevitable, in the unity and divinity we are. Danny G.