Honesty With Faith

Be genuine, be sincere, seek honesty in your life and others. Know that integrity opens the door for God to work in your life. Combine your honesty with faith and persistence, and you’ll win every battle that lies before you. Danny G. 

Always Within Your Reach

Always be ready for what the universe has to offer you. Positively expect happiness and greater success. You are the master of the vessel guiding your way through the jungles of time and space. Everything is always within your reach with persistence and faith. Danny G. 

Faith or Fear

You have two choices, faith or fear. Whatever you choose has powerful creation within them. Fear is pessimism about the future, and faith is optimism about the future. Faith or fear is a choice, although you may not be able to resist it at all times, you can always declare your faith, speak about it, and act on it. Danny G. 

Divine Surplus

Don’t focus on just getting by, or merely having your needs supplied. Focus on the infinite limitless source that is in you, that created you, and that created the universe. There is a divine surplus waiting for you when you act with faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Faith Over Fear

Your mind is powerful, as you can choose fear or faith. Your fear plays out as the ugly scenario in your mind, and your faith plays out as the dream you hold in your heart. Be the deliberate creator you were born to be, and choose faith over fear. Danny G. 


Don’t focus on others beliefs and expectations, for they’re operating under the law of their conscience, thereby creating from negative beliefs. Focus on your intuition, wisdom and your CAN DO spirit. When you act on these beliefs aligned with the divine, miracles happen and unleash for your greatest good and calling. Danny G. 

Alignment With God

Know God is all the good in the world, the infinite and limitless intelligence that transcends the universe. Whatever is good is of God, therefore, align yourself with the divine, be optimistic and full of faith that God will see you through, and cause you to thrive. Danny G. 

Act With God

Ego magnifies the challenge, while the divinity you are has faith that can move mountains. When you act out of your ego, you cannot see passed your challenge, but when you act with God, your faith makes ways that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G. 

A Phoenix Born to Triumph

Accept your imperfections with love in your heart. Accept your weaknesses, your flaws, for you’re a spiritual being having a human experience bound to fall from time to time. The only failure is not getting back up again, and allowing your weaknesses to define you. Use your imperfections, weaknesses and flaws to redefine you, and to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, a phoenix, born to triumph. Danny G. 

The Language of the Soul

Emotions are the language of the soul. Whatever you feel deeply within the core of your being is God’s calling for your life. It’s the mission you set forth to be. It’s the purpose you give yourself in this physical plane. Don’t wander in the desert forever without that guiding light shining the way. Don’t walk somebody else’s path. You are unique, authentic and you set the stage for its arrival. Danny G.