You Create Your Fate

You determine your fate. Fate is self created, and fate can change because you’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane. Don’t allow an external fate to rule over you. Let go of those misconceptions, and embrace the growth seeking being you’re destined to be. Danny G.

Waiting To Be Explored

Don’t focus on merely getting your needs supplied. Think bigger, dream bigger, for you are meant for much more. Be grateful to have your needs provided, but let it be your indication that there is much more beyond the horizon waiting to be explored. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

If you’re unhappy with the painting you created, you can always paint again. Remember this when you’re not content, and know your creation is always in your hands. Danny G. 

The Universe Stands By Your Side

Everyone has a different perspective, and a different journey. Their perspective and journey have no effect on you unless you allow them to. Carve your path, and know the universe stands by your side every step of the way. Danny G. 

The Wise and Faithful Ones

Do you want to be part of the solution or the problem? Anyone can find reasons why it won’t work out. Everyone can take the easy way out. The wise and faithful ones say, this is only meant to propel me for greater change and transformation. Danny G. 

The Vision Of You

When you know who you are, whatever contradicts the vision of you, doesn’t remain in your heart. Don’t allow others to determine who you are, declare who you are, and redefine yourself into the phoenix you’re created and born to be. Danny G. 

The Unity We Are

The egoless person says you can do all things like him, or greater. He’s not in competition with anyone other than himself. He knows everyone comes from the divine, and he knows the unity that we all are is bound to prevail. Danny G. 

The Tide Swept Away to the Sea

When in pain or despair, do not perpetuate it by your incessant fear and dread. Accept it without focusing all your energy towards it. For whatever you do not fight or resist, eventually dissipates and drifts away, like the tide swept away to the sea. Danny G.