What Defines You

Your demeanor with a homeless man defines who you are. Your demeanor with the king also defines who you are. Both should be respected. Your ego and ignorance guide your behavior, just as your compassion and kindness guide your behavior. Which one do you want to be? Danny G. 

A Good Creation

If we create with our mind, our mind becomes our truth and reality. Everyone is creating their version of reality through their thoughts and emotions. A figment of imagination can become yours if you allow it. You can create a good figment of imagination, or you can create chaos. Danny G. 

Much Greater

Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning your behavior. It means loving yourself enough to see despite the imperfections. Speak to your imperfections, and say I no longer fight you nor offer you resistance. I allow you to teach me what I need to learn. I embrace you’re only here for my spiritual journey and personal growth, and what’s on the other side is much greater than you’ll ever be. Danny G. 

Your Value and Purpose

If you would see your value, purpose and significance, you would never abuse your body through chemicals that only cause you harm. See the potential within you. Don’t waste it, know you are loved, and you’ll bring out the best you for the rest of the world. Danny G. 

Your Opportunities and Possibilities

Within the chaos and havoc of life lies your opportunities and possibilities. The chaos and havoc is asking you to be a light onto others. The chaos and havoc is asking you to choose faith over fear. And the chaos and havoc of life is asking you to choose compassion over strife. Danny G. 

Beacons for Success

When life causes you to have limitations, be the best you despite the limitations. Play the hand you’re dealt with to the best of your ability. That’s how geniuses emerge from their limitations and become beacons for success. Danny G. 

Your Masterpiece

Responding with faith is recognizing your power, self control and inner guidance. It’s recognizing the power of your thoughts, words and actions while realizing your creativity in the process. It’s knowing your journey is your deliberate creation, your intention and masterpiece. Danny G. 

The Right Judgment

You create your judgment. God is all love, compassion and forgiveness. The only judgment you receive is for your ultimate best. Judgment is not eternal, nor is it hatred or lack. The right judgment is realizing our full potential and what need improvements. Judgment is for us, not against us. Danny G. 

The Greatest Power

God, source, the creator knows what’s inside your heart and soul. He knows that you are worthy. He loves you unconditionally. He lives inside you, therefore, he is eternally you. Know this when you face hardships and trials. Call the inner God or Goddess within you when you feel overwhelmed. For the greatest power in the universe dwells inside you all. Danny G.