Worthy and Capable

Make the best of where you are with what you have. You are worthy, capable and you have something to share with the world that no one else has. Have faith in the unique being you are, and let authenticity lead the way. Danny G. 

Faith is the Ultimate Answer

Fear can keep you complacent and stagnant if you allow it to. It can paralyze you and cause you to relinquish. Always remember faith is stronger than any fear. Next time fear comes creeping in, declare to your opposition or adversity, I will persist and overcome. I am steadfast with my goal, and I will follow through until the very end. That is my mission, with unwavering faith that cannot be shaken. Danny G. 

Gift Within the Challenge

No matter how great the adversity may be, there is an opportunity if you dig deep to find its cause. There is a gift within the challenge, for you and all the lives you touch. You can allow the challenge to overtake you, or you can seek the opportunity and gift within. Danny G. 

Persist With Faith in Your Heart

When your passion becomes stronger than your fear, you’re one step closer to your dream. Fear may try to intimidate you, or persuade you, but your passion will keep springing forth time and time again. With desire comes faith, and faith is more powerful than any fear. Persist with faith in your heart, and you will overcome and triumph. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Know your greatest achievements are done through planning, preparing and stepping out into the unknown. Know God is always within you, guiding you to your ultimate best and potential. Danny G. 

Just A Transition

Everything is a transition, not an end. Change the word end to a transition. Change it for a transition to a greater you. A transition for a greater life. A transition from turning the breakdown into a breakthrough. Danny G. 

Strength and Persistence

There may be detours and delays, but you’ll always rise again with persistence and faith. The battle is meant to strengthen you. Rise like the eagle who flies above the nightly sky, staring at the world underneath it, with utter strength and persistence. Danny G. 

Your Capable Hands

Believe in the God or Goddess you are, and that the power remains in your capable hands. There is no coincidence, as it’s all creation. Know your role is to have faith and persistence, and the rest is left to the universe to work its magic. Danny G. 

Replaced With Faith

Fear will tell you all the reasons you can’t, or all the reasons you’re not worthy. Faith will tell you everything is within your reach when you embody faith and let it become you. You can become fear, or you can become faith. Faith is staring at the fear and saying, you’re only a misconception and a lie, and I replace you with faith. Danny G.