Yesterday is Your Confirmation

If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not believe today? We believe in the miracles of the past, but we fail to believe in our unique abilities, faith and wisdom. Don’t look at yesterday as unattainable. Look at yesterday as confirmation. Danny G. 

We Create Our Destiny

Would a loving God say only one is anointed, or that anyone can be anointed if they choose to be? Does God anoint others, or do we anoint ourselves with God by our wisdom, faith and compassion? If the supernatural happened centuries ago, than why not today? Danny G. 

A Change Of Perspective

All that’s needed is a change of perspective, to know that our prayers are answered, with an effort to stop thinking others are more fortunate than us, or they are more worthy and deserving than us. Danny G. 

The Season Always Changes

Don’t underestimate yourself and your source. No matter what the misfortune was, or the burden you’ve been carrying with you, the season always changes. The sun always shines again. This is your indication that everything is impermanent, and a beautiful day follows the long dreary night. Danny G. 

The Dream We Call Life

We are the masterpiece of our lives, and we are creators in the expansion of the universe. Our misconceptions and limitations leave us thinking we are not worthy or deserving. We’re underestimating ourselves. Whatever man has not accomplished yet, it’s just a matter of time before he does, because anything is possible, and anything is within our reach in this dream we call life. Danny G. 

New Outlook

Many people come to conclusions too soon, and they obliterate anything worthwhile pursuing because they don’t believe good things happen to them, or because it’s never worked out in the past. They make choices based on their limitations. Change your mindset, release the past and know your new outlook will create your new self and future. Danny G. 

Move Beyond That Point

Many people underestimate themselves, and when they face adversities, their poor view of themselves and life becomes a mantra thereby carving the path before them. It becomes their reality, many times much less then their potential. Move beyond that point by letting go. Move beyond that point by seeing yourself through source’s perspective. Source’s perspective says anything is possible and he loves you unconditionally. Trust in this compassionate universe and know your power for change, overcoming and thriving. Danny G. 

Be You

The life we have now is an accumulation of our thoughts, actions and environment. We think it into being through the years. Some thoughts are subconscious. Learn to be conscious more. Learn to be deliberate more. Learn to be you more. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Not understanding the universal laws that govern humanity can be described as going into an exam room completely oblivious on how to respond and not even knowing how to begin. Danny G. 

The Best Version Of You

What good can there be in becoming the best stock broker, or the best musician if you don’t know how to handle life, and the challenges we all face at one point or another? What good can there be in becoming the best if we forgot why we began in the first place? Are we in competition or are we trying to be the best version of ourselves? Danny G.