A Call to Action

Be aware of your weaknesses, but do not focus on them incessantly. Let your weaknesses be your teacher and lesson to be greater. Personal growth stems from learning, remembering and stretching your faith. Your weaknesses surfaced, as a call to action to be greater. Danny G. 

Don’t Fear Pain

You create boredom by resisting the desires within you. You create boredom by playing it safe all the time. And you create boredom by suppressing the giant within you. Everyone feels pain from time to time, but it’s our reaction that defines everything and the unfolding of our lives. Don’t fear pain, remember the God or Goddess within you, and create a masterpiece in the midst of it. Danny G. 

Embrace the Opportunity

If you focus on the familiar all the time, and you never push your boundaries, you will remain and never change. But if you focus on the unknown, declare you are worthy, strong with steadfastness and faith, you’ll embrace the opportunity to create anew. From this space, anything is possible, and anything is within your reach. Danny G. 

Don’t Stop Midway

No matter how much you achieve, or how many dreams you fulfill, there’s always something else on the horizon waiting for you to claim it yours. Don’t stop midway, for as long as your heart is beating, success, happiness and health is waiting for you to claim it yours. Danny G.

Embrace the Moment

Embrace your present and future rather than the past. Living in the past only recreates yesterdays. But when you embrace the present moment and know the deliberate creator you are, you live in possibility. With possibility lies your greatest vantage point and ultimate creation. Danny G. 

Claim What’s Yours

Learn to adapt to change, for life is a perpetual process of change and growth. Let change be your friend, not your enemy, for change is what allows you to expand for the evolution of humanity. When you allow change to be your friend, the chaos or havoc around you won’t turn you bitter and pessimistic. You’ll create from the unknown, and you’ll claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.


Every season brings new choices and a new vantage point. Choices will knock at your door regardless of ignorance or trying to avoid them. You are bound to create a new you and a new life with every opportunity in front of you. Embrace the opportunity and claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Become Prosperity

If you want prosperity, become prosperity. Don’t see prosperity as something to chase. See it as an inner knowing that prosperity belongs to you, it’s in you and you deserve it. Declare what’s yours through the divine, and know nothing is outside your reach. You are an extension of the divine guiding your way through the jungles of time and space. Know that through faith, it’s already yours. Danny G. 

Allow Faith

Faith and pessimism are a perception of reality. Perception can change by seeking wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. Pessimism is the opposite of faith where one predicts the worst outcome, or the worst case scenario. Reality is defined by perception and perception changes reality. Choose faith over pessimism and allow faith to lead the way. Danny G. 

Alignment Over Ego

You can seek alignment with your source and creator, or you can choose to follow the ego. Your choice has benefits and consequences, but if you choose God, the ultimate provider, you choose faith and wisdom. With faith, wisdom and persistence, anything is possible. Danny G.