The Powerful Warrior

You have a powerful warrior inside your body which is your mind and soul. Learn how to utilize it for your benefit and others. You can be, do and have anything you want with persistence and faith. Just ensure your desires are aligned with God’s will, and then allow it to flourish. Danny G. 

Keep Pushing Through

You may feel exhausted at times as though your challenges are wearing you down. You may feel overwhelmed beyond reason and doubt. You may feel confused in the mist and fog. Keep pushing forward, the fog will dissipate as the sun shines above the misty sky, in the broad daylight. You can always find light as you persist with faith and love in your heart. With perseverance and strength, triumph is inevitable, if you keep pushing through. Danny G.

The Power Lies in Your Hands

Happiness is within your reach when you seek inward and change your perspective. Not holding yourself accountable for your own happiness is not accepting your responsibility. The power lies in your hands to see change come to pass. Accept your strength, your faith and resilience to come back home. Danny G. 


Asking who you truly are, and what you’re meant to do, begins the unfolding of your life and future. Fill in the blanks with can dos, experience and knowledge. Experiment knowing the divine is for you, not against you. Know that when you unite your plans and will with God, he will intervene for your greatest good. Danny G. 

Managing Your Mental Health

What are mental health challenges? We’re all emotional beings who have feelings. Mental illness is not managing your emotions or never confronting them until they spiral out of control. Somebody once told me that mental illness is caused merely by conditions, environment and circumstances. I’m not going to argue with that statement by saying it has no impact on our health. However, saying our condition is merely a chemical imbalance or a poor upbringing is saying the illness and environment is controlling us. With this mindset we are powerless and weak. Do you want to be tossed and turned by the conditions in your life, or do you want to say I’m in control, I define myself and I determine my life and future? 

When we don’t manage our finances, we become broke and in debt. Same applies when we leave our troublesome thoughts on the back burner until disaster hits. Eventually one of the links break. 

Managing your mental health means practicing self care. Practicing self care means quieting your mind, changing your inner dialogue and finding purpose in your life. Quieting the mind can be done through meditation, a walk in nature or yoga. 

Changing your inner dialogue is listening to your thoughts, understanding their depth and reason for being. It’s easier to change your thoughts when you can identify them. It’s refocusing your thoughts into what you wish to create. It’s focusing on productivity and optimism rather than the negative dialogue.

Finding purpose in your life is following your passion, your zest for life and gifting. It’s following your inspiration and inner guidance. When we have purpose in our life, and we’re of service to others, we feel greater satisfaction. 

Greater satisfaction, finding purpose and following your intuition all contributes to your overall mental health and happiness. And happiness is key to greater health. 

The Algorithm Of Life

You only have so much energy for the day. You can focus on faith or lack. Either choice has benefits or consequences. Use your energy in a productive way, to grow, to refocus and to become the best version of you. Everyone is in the process of creation and discovery. Use the algorithm of life for your greatest good, and the greatest good of humanity. Danny G.  

Opportunities Instead Of Barriers

If you look merely at your current reality, you risk creating the same reality again and again. Deliberate creators look at the present and see opportunities where others would see barriers. They see potential where others would see infirmities. They see faith and persistence as a means to unleash their breakthrough and success. Danny G. 

Great Men Of Faith

Inspiration and wisdom originates from the divine. When you feel these insights calling for action, take the leap and declare your faith. You can walk in circles for a lifetime and play it safe in fear of failure. But great men of faith who achieved greatness took their risks and turned them into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

Dared to Trust and Believe

Even though your life may seem troublesome and bleak,  and you feel incomplete or overwhelmed, I can assure you if you persist with faith and love in your heart, your destination is bound to manifest. For every great master and every great pioneer was standing exactly where you are today, and they dared to trust and believe. Danny G. 

The Mountain Top

The journey will have ups and downs as you tread the path to your destination. Let the mountain top be your inspiration and guiding light. Don’t allow the uphills to discourage you and cause you to give in. Every great men of faith fell from time to time, but what made them great was they got up and persisted with faith. Eventually, as they were steadfast to their dream, they received their breakthrough and success. Danny G.