Bound for Success

If you seek to be like everyone else you are conforming. If you don’t feel worthy or capable you’re resisting your inner being. Your inner being says you can conquer anything, and success is your birthright and calling. Regardless, what do you have to offer when you’re conforming? Contrast, uniqueness and authenticity is what creates the world, and it’s what creates breakthroughs and achieving the so called impossible. Be the unique soul you are, don’t conform, and know you’ve got something to give that no one else has. You’re bound for success and abundance. Know this within the depth of your being. Danny G. 

Creating Your Reality

Create your own peaceful haven, create your own reality, and create your own personality. Don’t fall prey to the world conforming you into someone you’re not. Don’t fall prey to them convincing you of what’s not true. You create your beliefs and expectations, so don’t allow them to persuade you. Claim the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

The Healer in You

The healer doesn’t reside outside of you. The healer is in you. The healer resides in your strength, courage, faith and determination to not give in. When you realize this, you don’t seek outside yourself, you seek within, for the most powerful source in the universe and you. Danny G.  

Personal Transformation

Sadness can lead to transformation if you let it. Every negative emotion can be subject to change when you allow it. At times, it’s the absence of  joy, that stimulates its opposite. Other times, it’s our yearning for greater joy that stimulates more joy. Every emotion has an opposite, and when we feel the negative emotion without condemning it, we allow it to subside without fighting against it. In time with faith, it vanishes, and we use the negative for personal transformation, and success. Danny G. 

Light A Fire

It’s never too late to begin again. You’re always in the process of transformation and spiritual growth. Don’t allow the fallback to become permanent in your heart. Begin again, light a fire in your heart, and let it flourish. Danny G. 

The Visionaries

The visionaries of our time may have felt fear from time to time, but they never allowed it to consume them. In essence, they felt it, and they remained steadily focused on their dream. Whenever the fear tried to creep in, they had their vision at the forefront of their mind, and they did not waver. They persisted with faith, knowing success was theirs to claim. Danny G. 

With Heart and Soul

Don’t allow others to tell you who you are, or what you can or cannot become. This is your territory, and nobody knows you better than you. Have faith in your vision, and know nothing can prevent the course of the inevitable dream, as you persist with faith in your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Know Your Power

The first step to achieving greater insight and awareness is asking questions. By asking questions, I don’t mean only asking our spiritual leaders and teachers. By asking questions I mean realizing we have a source within us all that transcends the universe, and it has the answers we’re looking for. 

Remember, life is an unending journey, for as soon as we get our answers, we have a new platform to ask again and create anew. We’re all Gods and Goddesses in human form. As before we depended on a God outside us, and we would rely on him to solve our problems and provide answers. We would rely merely on healers to heal us or mentors to teach us, which sometimes worked and other times it did not. 

Recognizing we all originate from the divine, and that we’re all divinity housed in a physical body, is acknowledging our power and self control. Every spiritual master of our time teaches self reliance. If we can’t rely on ourselves, we’re depending on something outside us, and with this approach, we lose our power. 

Being dependent on an outside source is saying we don’t have what we need within to achieve our desires. With this philosophy, we always seek outside ourselves to get fixed, which has no guarantees. 

However, we can always rely on ourselves, and when we do, we know change and growth is always within our reach. We’re all unique, and when we seek our authenticity, and ask our inner being questions, we know we always have something to give to ourselves and others. 

There’s not one being on this planet that is created exactly like another, so know you have reason and purpose to be on this physical plane. You have something unique to share with the world. Realize this, know your power and role in your evolution and the evolution of humanity. 

Unleash Your Creativity

The divine dwells in possibilities and creativity. Whatever you do, do it with passion in your heart and soul, and know source is providing for you to unleash the vision in your mind. Break free from your limitations, and allow the creator to reveal his insights and action steps, to release your potential and gifts. Danny G. 

Claim Your Success

Find a spiritual practice that resonates with your soul. Find spiritual teachers that resonates with your core. In time you’ll see progress and personal growth. Every action that stems from the divine has rippling effects if you persist with faith. Don’t let the adversity cause you to give in, speak to your challenge, and claim your success. Danny G.