Don’t seek to rid yourself of all your problems, for everyone has their own challenges and adversities. Understand their existence, don’t shrink back, and allow them to strengthen you, enlighten you, and create your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Your Inspiration Calling
When the inspiration calls you to move, step forth boldly with a spring in your step. Know that the universal force is inside you, and in every particle in the universe. Don’t doubt, and embrace your journey to the mountain top. Danny G.
Mastering Your Emotions
Your reactions define your personality, strengths and weaknesses. If your reaction to challenges turn you pessimistic, bitter or fearful, that’s because you haven’t mastered your emotions. If your reaction is of love, compassion and faith, you learned to control your emotions. Learn to be at peace with your emotions without condemning them, but embracing them and letting them lead to personal transformation. Let go, embrace and be the Phoenix you are created to be. Danny G.
Greatest Achievement
Don’t allow the naysayers to steer you off course. Don’t allow the pessimists to turn you bitter. Don’t allow fear to paralyze you. Every great teacher and leader didn’t allow others to turn them into somebody they’re not. They persisted with their vision and faith, and they turned their naysayers into their greatest achievement and success. Danny G.
Open Arms
Aging can either be a blessing or a curse. Accept that your body and life is always changing, and evolving. Don’t fight the inevitable, embrace it fully with open arms and know that with it comes wisdom, faith and strength. With wisdom, faith and an awareness of your own power, you can conquer anything. Life has its seasons, so learn to embrace every season with open arms. Danny G.
Reaction Defines Everything
Having inner peace should be the primary focus, for when we are at peace, it emanates everywhere we go. Our peace is contagious to all the lives we touch, and this contributes to world peace. Being at peace no matter what the circumstances are, is true mastery, for it’s our reaction that defines everything including the life that unfolds. Reactions can either pull us into a pit so deep we cannot find a means to get out, or it can catapult us to our divine destiny, and breakthrough. Danny G.
Realizing Your Power
As long as you place blame on others or an outside source, you lose your power. You cannot control people’s actions, nor can you control the external world. When you know that your soul attracts the essence of what’s it’s projecting, you know you’re in control. You stop placing blame and you realize your power through the divinity that you are. Fear dissipates, powerlessness dissipates, and your limitations vanish. Then you recognize your true power and you know unwavering faith always leads to your every desire. Danny G.
Seek Wisdom Love and Faith
Don’t focus merely on achieving wealth, or recognition. Seek wisdom, love and faith. By seeking wisdom, love and faith, you open the door to wealth and success. Wisdom, love and faith is essentially who you are, and whatever you feel inwardly appears externally eventually. It comes in the form of inspiration and insight to achieve your desires. Danny G.
Unlimited Source
How do you get beyond the pain and misery? Focus on the divine being that you are, with unlimited answers. Call to him in your darkest hour, and know he will intervene for your greatest good. He has unlimited resources and favor waiting for you to declare yours, and he answers with persistence and faith. Danny G.
Seeking Growth
Do not seek to be right or wrong, seek to be the best version of you. Seek the highest level of living from the divine. Seek peace, wisdom and unity. When you live from this space, you’re in alignment with the divinity that you are. You’re in alignment with the spirit that transcends the universe. Perception is always changing, so instead of seeking to be right, seek the best choice at this present time. Allow the path to unfold as you keep choosing the best choice from your current vantage point. You’ll realize that choice keeps on changing, because you’re a being seeking growth, who is always changing miraculously every single day. Danny G.