Prayers of Faith

When you look at the adversity that once petrified you, and you smile at your possibilities, and capabilities, you know you achieved a new state of awareness. When you achieve this state of awareness, challenges become stepping stones for a brighter outcome, and challenges become trivial to your own power. You hold the obstacle in the palm of your hand and say with God, all things are possible, and prayers of faith conquers all. Danny G. 

Practice and Repetition

Practice and repetition is key, for you can learn and learn and learn, but if you don’t harness your skills and abilities, they lie dormant. Therefore, revisit them in your mind, act on it, and then watch it play it out in your new life story. Danny G. 

Be the Leader

When they say it cannot be done, be the leader, and choose your life path. Always remember the ones who broke free from the cage always let go of their limitations, they broke free of their boundaries, and soared. Danny G. 

Claim Your Freedom

Would a loving God ever lay out a standard impossible to live up to? Would a loving God not applause every single breakthrough? Would a loving God say you’re not good enough, when you’re genuinely being the best you? These are all misconceptions we created in our mind, and when we release them, we release the burden, and we claim our freedom. Danny G. 

The Driving Force

I’m at peace with you uneasiness and pain, whether you leave today or remain for a while. For now, you are my driving force to expand in my spiritual journey and be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G. 

The Present Now

Every moment is a new creation, whether it’s in silence, or pursuing a dream. If you look merely at the past and romanticize it, you never move forward, and the wall obstructs your path. Let go of the old, remember those memories that gave you great joy, but stand in the moment, embrace it, be the best you in the present now. Danny G. 

Inspired Action

Taking action from a state of unworthiness or fear never brings about the desires you intend. Taking inspired action from a state of peace, worthiness, and faith is the greatest way to bring about your every desire. Danny G. 

Set Your Own Standard (Blog Article)

Your Best is Good Enough

So many times we have a standard in our mind of how we are to be, or what we are to do, and when we don’t measure up, we sabotage ourselves through guilt, condemnation, and bitterness. We create our own standards of how to live, and succeed, but everybody has their own standards. The question remains which is the right path? We all have our own journey, and obstacles, so the standard should be following authenticity and our destiny.

The most important element is being the best we can be through thought, word, and deed. That’s the only control we’ll ever have, and the only control we’re given in this reality through the divinity we are.  

Our intentions and motives are stuck on the image we’ve projected through domestication. It’s what we learned throughout the years of how we are to be. Some works for our benefit, and some hinders us. If it’s empowering, inspiring, or it gives us joy, that’s the right standard for us. If we feel guilt, condemnation and bitterness, we are not operating under the right motives. If you’re full of negative emotion, what good can you do? Can you uplift? Can you inspire? Can you motivate? These negative emotions only zaps our energy and strength. 

All wisdom comes from a state of peace, love, joy, and whatever emotion contradicts this, is not of God. Everyone on this planet is struggling with something, and often it’s these challenges which stretch our boundaries and limitations. If life is perfect, we are perfect, and we fulfilled our every dream, there’s nothing else to work towards, and achieve. Sometimes the thorn is what stretches our faith unto uncharted territory into the unknown. It’s what allows us to keep seeking growth, and success. 

If the thorn aggravates you to a point where you sink into a pit where escape seems impossible, then you’re allowing the thorn to hold you back. If you feel at peace despite the thorn, while no longer allowing it to cause aggravation, you allow it to make you stronger, and full of faith. 

Let the thorn do what’s it’s supposed to do if you cannot find a means of letting it go yet. In time when the work is fulfilled, you’ll begin to ignore it, then it loses its power, and strength. You’ll set a new standard for yourself with new dreams where the thorn loses its hold on you. 

That’s when you realize what true freedom is and that’s when you realize you are the master of the ship destined to create your own mission and happiness. 

Your Greatest Breakthrough

Even though you may not see a solution, or a means of escape, know source, the ultimate provider, has all the answers you’re looking for, and he knows how to orchestrate it for your greatest good. Your answer lies in not doubting the process, and not giving in to fear. What you think is a hindrance, may actually be what causes your greatest breakthrough. Remain open minded, and know the infinite, limitless universe has everything you need, and he’s aware of all your desires as he steadily works to conspire on your behalf. Danny G.