Your soul chose this environment for your personal growth and evolution. Don’t deny it, embrace it, and allow the divine to unleash its magic. When you stop resisting, you understand where you are, why you’re here, your role in your evolution and humanity. You’re at peace with yourself, your life and the world, and when you’re at peace, you inevitably lead by the clarity of your example. Danny G.
Intuition and Wisdom
What you want and need, will present itself at the ideal time for your ultimate best. If you simply let go, and allow the spirit to lead, you will be astounded by your intuition and wisdom. Don’t fight the current, just be, and allow it to unfold as you declare it to be. Danny G.
There are those people who do exceptionally great with their lives, and there are those people who only tread water. The ones who did great always broke free from the cage, they spread their wings and soared. Danny G.
Sturdy and Strong
One who is at peace with himself doesn’t need another to make him feel worthy and loved. One who is at peace with himself doesn’t need to be dependent on another. He knows the power is in his hands, and he knows nothing can overtake him. For as the palm tree bends but never falls, he is sturdy, seeks within, and can stop the storm. Danny G.
Wisdom and Growth
Your perspective created this challenge for your own personal growth and triumph. Every experience has the potential to gain wisdom, or bring us back. Be the victor who chooses growth and wisdom. By choosing growth and wisdom, you inevitably thrive, and you allow the infinite intelligence to unleash its magic. Danny G.
Focusing on Optimism
You can entertain anything with your thoughts, either negative, or positive. Whatever you entertain will eventually seep into your reality. Spend time contemplating and reflecting on your desired outcome. Think of it as writing a script and having it played on the movie screen of your mind. It can either be a meaningful, uplifting movie, or it can be its opposite. Recognize the importance of guiding your thoughts to joy and fulfillment, and you’ll get the essence of your every desire. Danny G.
Growing Spiritually
Being in alignment is seeking inward to know ourselves and our power. When we devote our lives for the purpose of growing spiritually, we know we can tackle whatever comes our way. We know nothing is impossible, as we have the power to change in the palm of our hands. By changing our lives, inevitably, we change whomever crosses our path. Growing on a spiritual level is our true purpose and calling, and it will bring the ultimate joy and happiness. Danny G.
Anointing and Favor
Know if it’s God’s will and timing, he will intervene for your highest good. If it’s his will, nothing can prevent it, nor take away your anointing and favor. Therefore, march your course with your head held up high. Know God is with you, guiding you, and helping you achieve your divine purpose, and dream. Danny G.
The Power of Faith and Triumph
What is true spiritual mastery? It’s being able to remain in alignment when everything around you is in chaos. It’s staying in balance, when you’re aching, or grieving. It’s loving the unlovable, and forgiving the perpetrators, no matter what pain they have caused you. Gaining mastery under the bright colored sun, is good, and worthy, but gaining mastery within the storm is true mastery. When you know this and master this, nothing can pull you down, and the power of faith and triumph is in your hands. Danny G.
Allowing the Infinite Intelligence
Open your eyes and see there are many roads to Rome, and many ways to heal, and grow. There is so much contrast, with so many voices trying to pull you one way. Each voice is vying for your attention, as you chart your course. Perception can always change, when you allow the divine to unleash the infinite intelligence. Danny G.