There are those who say they are broken, and never move beyond that point, as they continue to declare they are broken. Then there are those who say they were broken, but today they declare their healing. Whichever case it is, they write the script, and set the stage for its arrival. Danny G.
Integrity and Fairness
Have faith in God to fight your battles for you. Don’t lower yourself by being bitter or unforgiving. Know that your integrity opens the door for God to work in your life. When you allow this spirit of fairness to rule over you, you allow the universe to protect you and conspire on your behalf. Danny G.
Refocusing the Current Reality
The damage you created yesterday, which is your current reality today, may take time, perseverance, and refocusing to change it in your favor. It may seem as though nothing is improving, or it’s getting worse. If you persist, I can assure you, one day you’ll realize no effort ever goes unnoticed with God. And if you focus on faith rather than fear, one day you’ll look back thinking it all worked out for your highest good. Danny G.
The Wherewithal
Acting on impulse is another term for lack of faith in oneself. When we are aware everything comes at the ideal time, we don’t interfere with divine timing. And when we are aware that all our needs and wants come at the ideal time, we don’t fight against it. We know there’s a sequence for everything, and we know we have the wherewithal to bring it to fruition. Danny G.
Reflection and Refocusing
Sometimes we don’t learn the universal truths until the challenge is so great, it overwhelms us. Let’s spare time for reflection and refocusing even when life is great with no issues to bear. With contemplation and faith, it’s always enough to shift the tide in our favor. Just don’t wait until the storm is so great, it consumes you. Danny G.
If You Let It
You’ve mastered this stage in your life. You’ve been steadfast, faithful, and happily content with what you currently have. It’s ok to move forward now, and to want it. For there is much more on the other side, if you allow the life force to surge through your veins. Inevitably, if you let it, God will lead you to your every desire. Danny G.
The Evolution of Your Soul
Don’t negate one as if one takes all. We need doctors as much as we need philosophers, and we need philosophers as much as we need scientists. And we need medicine as much as we need faith. It takes contrast to create a world, and it takes contrast to create a greater world. Just don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.
Impossibility Turns Into Possibility
How do you notice when you’re making progress? When the impossibility of yesterday, is now a possibility today. You then look back at the challenge, smile, and say, I won the battle, and today, I’m living my truth. Danny G.
A Simple Reshaping
We pick up things along our physical trail,
Some good, some not so good,
Some that create affliction,
And some that take our breath away.
The messages become so ingrained
In our subconscious mind,
It becomes our reality,
And engulfs us with pain.
If we can see what would happen,
With a simple twist of faith,
A simple reshaping,
Of our perspective
And pain.
We’d realize we created it all along,
All the ups and downs,
All the wins and losses,
Of our created reality
And illusion.
The pen is in our hands,
As our destiny awaits,
With a simple awareness,
And a simple step,
Let’s take action
Declare to our mountains
And write the script.
The Phoenix
The phoenix always rises from the ashes that was intended to burn him, knowing with complete awareness the victory is his. The ashes doesn’t scare him, for he knows it’s only a rebirth from the indefinite cycle. He uses the ashes to propel him and transform himself into the phoenix he was created and born to be. Danny G.