Your inner world mirrors your outer world and what you receive through faith. Define the authentic and unique being you are. Say you are worthy and deserving. What you receive through faith is only an indication of what dwells inside you. Danny G.
What Am I Listening To
Your mind says you cannot. Your spirit says you can do all things. Your fear contemplates the worst outcomes, while your faith contemplates the greatest possibilities. Your mind says it’s too much. Your strength says God is my source of energy. Your mind tells you lies, but your faith tells you miracles. Which voice do you want to listen to? Danny G.
Fulfilled the Right Way
Don’t fill the void with materialism and chemicals which only harm your body. Fill it by being productive the right way. Fill it by following your passion, enthusiasm and inspiration. The void is an empty space and you only need to fill it with joy, purpose and excitement. Inspiration is calling you to action, for what is inspiration with ongoing procrastination. Danny G.
Gaining Wisdom Through the Hurdles
You can allow every hurdle to sink you into a deep pit, or you can allow it for personal growth. Take the hurdles as gaining strength, wisdom and learning or remembering what you know in the core of your being. You can allow those hurdles for transformation, or you can allow them to be your excuse to not move forward. Danny G.
Bounce Back Higher
Pain, loss and adversities are inevitable. Don’t resist it, don’t suppress it and don’t seek to avoid it. Allow the pain to make you stronger. Allow the grief to make you compassionate, and allow the adversities to make you wiser, more successful and bounce back higher and thrive. Danny G.
The Simple and Powerful Words
Everyone is struggling with something in their inner world. The very fact you’re struggling with something means you’re human and you’re striving for greater. You can turn that struggle into success with persistence and faith. It starts by changing I can’t to the simple words, I CAN! Danny G.
Perseverance Determination and Faith
Genius lies in your perseverance, determination and faith. Without perseverance, you’ll stop at the adversities. Without determination, you’ll won’t proceed with your creativity. And without faith, you won’t believe the genius within you. Danny G.
From Internal to External
Your spiritual journey unfolds your current and future reality. The more you seek inward, and the more you seek the greater version of yourself, you create the essence of your spiritual being. Seek within, seek faith, persist and your outer world will become your internal world. Danny G.
Your Success Is Bound To Be
Even though fear grapples you, and tries to shackle you to the ground, continue to gaze onward. Have faith, persist with peace and joy in your heart. Know your success is bound to be. Danny G.
The Glimmer Of Light
Through the night, the valley and your shadow is the greatest time to overcome your fear and doubt. Life gave you an opportunity to soar above the challenge. If you only stare at the darkness, the darkness will overtake you. If you stare at the glimmer of light, soon enough that trail will leave you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.