Everything you need will be provided at the right time. Don’t fret the future, enjoy the present, make memories, and walk steadfastly to your dream and purpose. Stop trying to figure it all out since the divine works in miraculous ways, and his ways are infinite and limitless for his perfect will and purpose. Trust the process, and find all the strength you can muster up. When you believe and don’t give in, he will intervene for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G.
Inspired Action
Taking action from a state of unworthiness or fear never brings about the desires you intend. Taking inspired action from a state of peace, worthiness, and faith is the greatest way to bring about your every desire. Danny G.
Your Greatest Breakthrough
Even though you may not see a solution, or a means of escape, know source, the ultimate provider, has all the answers you’re looking for, and he knows how to orchestrate it for your greatest good. Your answer lies in not doubting the process, and not giving in to fear. What you think is a hindrance, may actually be what causes your greatest breakthrough. Remain open minded, and know the infinite, limitless universe has everything you need, and he’s aware of all your desires as he steadily works to conspire on your behalf. Danny G.
Let Love Lead the Way
Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at times. It’s our reaction to anger that defines who we are and the unfolding of our lives. Anger also affects all the lives we touch, so let’s not act on revenge, bitterness or pessimism, since those emotions all cause separation. Separation is not an act of God. Love creates union and a peaceful world. Love casts all fear. Let love lead the way, and let God be the loving source he always was and always will be. Danny G.
Creating from the Unknown
Once you let go of the old personality of doubt, fear, and pessimism, you’ll walk into uncharted territory, and claim it yours. You’ll know the best means of creation is from the unknown, for you cannot create from sameness. You’ll walk with joy in your heart, smile at the adversity with no intimidation, just newfound wisdom and a newfound life. You’re always creating yourself anew every day, and the unknown is the best starting point and vantage point. Danny G.
Smile At Its Intensity
The pain or discomfort was first created in the mind. It’s the perpetual aggravation that magnifies its intensity. When we dread it and fear it, we only bring about its very essence. Accept you’re human and you will feel, but smile at its intensity. Know the source within you says anything is possible, and anything is within our reach. Danny G.
Create Your Own Destiny
Embrace the future of uncertainty, doubt, and fear, and make it your own. Be brave in affliction and know God is within you fighting your battles. Know the universal force is greater than any affliction, or any plague. The plague was only meant to unleash the greater you, and the gifts that were lying dormant. Allow them to be and create your own destiny, as you march steadily towards your victory. Danny G.
Allow It to Redefine You
Don’t shrink back from overwhelming emotions out of fear or doubt. If you’re not ready, take a step back, but if it’s fear holding you back, allow it to redefine you, mold you and change you. Allow the bold creator you are to be brave in opposition, and create a beautiful piece of art. Danny G.
Allow the Divine
Allow the inspiration to lead you to your calling and purpose. When you make an effort to be in alignment, and you be the best version of you, the inspiration calls you to take bold steps of faith to your dream. Trust in the source, don’t fear or doubt, step on board and allow the divine to release his magic. Danny G.
Sturdy Strong and Resilient
Everything you do today for your well being and spiritual evolution, you will be thankful for in the future. When the challenge presents itself with a moment of uncertainty or doubt, or perhaps an overwhelming fear that is difficult to settle, just know you’ve done the work, and as the palm tree bends but never falls, know you are sturdy, strong and resilient to win the battle. Danny G.