Message from the God within you: For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your power, and untapped potential. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your strength, determination, and perseverance. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you that you’re one step away from your breakthrough. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of the power of faith in overcoming obstacles. If you simply remember this, no longer will you fight the inevitable, and no longer will you fear, or doubt your power. Essentially, you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.
Your Power
If you could only see all the universal forces around you, waiting to assist you, you would never fear, nor would you feel broken. You would know your power, your part in creation, and without a doubt, you would feel loved, and cherished. Danny G.
Steadfast Unwavering Faith
The front step seems insurmountable, as I’m marching patiently and steadfastly in the face of the storm. The wind is cold in blizzard fog, and I cannot see the mountain top. I pause and declare my victory while waiting in appreciation for what lies ahead. I wait until the path appears as the next logical step. As the wind comes surging through, I allow it to guide me to my destination, while I steadily gaze at the forefront, with no fear, only steadfast unwavering faith. Danny G.
A Bouquet of Roses
Blazing hazel eyes, though mysterious and penetrating while a world speaks through them with a candid look. Afraid and uneasy, though shine so brightly beneath the mischievous look. Awkward and charismatic all wrapped up in a bouquet of roses. There’s a story inside those eyes, ready and eagerly waiting to be heard. Danny G.
A Product of Your Creation
The list of opposites is infinite, as you can either impart peace or chaos, faith or fear, joy or sorrow, love or anger. What do you wish to impart for yourself and others? You are a product of your creation, the good, the bad, the everything of you, and the whole of who you are. Nobody is going to get it perfect, without weaknesses or trials, but the hope is that you project more lightness than darkness, and become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
Move Forward With Boldness
Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because you’re scared of the past repeating itself. Accept the past with loving eyes, and move forward with boldness and a spring in your step. Know with complete awareness, all is well, and everything works out together for good, if you simply persist. Danny G.
Remind Yourself
Most of your barriers are caused by your feelings of inadequacies. For if you knew the power that dwells inside you, you wouldn’t fear, and you would never feel weak. The key is to remind yourself of this power, until you feel it in your body. Then you’ll say nothing can tear me down, and nothing can interfere with my divine mission. Danny G.
Refocusing the Current Reality
The damage you created yesterday, which is your current reality today, may take time, perseverance, and refocusing to change it in your favor. It may seem as though nothing is improving, or it’s getting worse. If you persist, I can assure you, one day you’ll realize no effort ever goes unnoticed with God. And if you focus on faith rather than fear, one day you’ll look back thinking it all worked out for your highest good. Danny G.
Feel It Then Move On
As long as you care, you will hurt. To say you won’t feel anything in life would be saying you’re not human. We’re emotional beings who originate from the divine, but we’re also housed in a physical body. That means we will feel rejection sometimes, but the only sin would be to give in to bitterness or fear. The proper way to feel rejection is to feel it, then move on, and be the best version of you. Danny G.
The Only Obstruction
You know in the depth of your being, it’s your insecurities obstructing your path. You know in the depth of your being, it feels right beyond reason. You know in the depth of your being, it’s destined to be. The only curse stopping you is your fear, and you’re allowing it to win. Danny G.