Let Peace Dominate

You can be motivated by fear, or you can be motivated by peace. Fear grapples you to the ground leaving you exhausted and frail. Peace guides you and teaches you. Fear whispers lies in your ears, while peace whispers everything will be ok. Fear can dominate or peace can dominate. When you embrace peace, you embrace faith, wisdom and persistence. Danny G. 

A New Awakening

Embrace what is on the opposite side of fear. Embrace what you will do when you overcome the fear. When you conquer fear, you embrace your freedom, power and potential within. You realize what was once a negative is meant to strengthen you, motivate you and inspire you to a greater life and a new awakening. Danny G. 

Be Sensitive

It’s easy to get pulled into fear. The fear of what may be, the fear of lack, the fear of illness, and the fear of adversities. Your environment and conditions can pull you in if you allow it. Be sensitive when your mind wanders into fear. Be mindful when you steer off course. Just as fear can grapple you to the ground, so can faith and optimism become essentially who you are. Danny G. 

The Opposite Of Fear

Why is fear the opposite of everything we are? Because God is a source of peace, joy, faith, while fear creates anxiety, doubt and pessimism. When we remember that we all originate from the spirit that transcends the universe, we know our power and control and fear cannot exist. Danny G. 

Stillness and Tranquility From the Soul

You’re a slave to adversities by your incessant resistance to it. When you dread challenges, you intensify it. When you fear it, you intensify it. When you feel at peace despite the discomfort, you embrace your power and freedom. You can be at peace with anything, and when you realize this, you embrace your greatest potential, and you walk into the unknown with stillness and tranquility in your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Seek Faith and Courage

Fear freezes you in your tracks and immobilizes you. Seek faith and courage. Faith says I can conquer anything before me. Courage says the divine is always within me, guiding me, protecting me and conspiring on my behalf. Danny G. 

Let It Become You

The greatest barrier is not moving past the psychological road blocks. The road blocks appear in the form of fear, pessimism, bitterness or anything negative. On the other side of negativity is clarity, faith, peace, optimism and compassion. You must seek to find it. Practice it, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

A little Push Forward

When the challenge becomes too difficult to bear, we push away, because we fear the unknown. If we would see what lies ahead with steadfastness and perseverance, we would know, with a little push forward, lies our breakthrough and success. Danny G.

Declare You Are Ready

Sometimes life has a way of pushing you onboard. It’s usually because you’ve been procrastinating or fearful. You’ve remained complacent and stagnant, but know God has much more to give you. Declaring you are ready is the starting point. Then allow it and receive it. Danny G.  

Choosing Inner Peace

Fear may always be. It may present itself at times unexpectedly. The goal shouldn’t be always to get rid of fear. It should be choosing courage over fear. It’s choosing clarity over fear. And it’s choosing peace over the misconceptions of fear. Danny G.