Change is What We Are

Fear over the unknown is fearing change. Change is what we are, and it’s what we came forth to be. Don’t procrastinate your whole life fearing change. Don’t become complacent and stagnant in your ways. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are. With this faith, you can trample mountains before you. Danny G. 

The Powerful Creator

The thought has no power over you unless you empower the thought. You empower the thought by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness. You can also empower the thought by practicing wisdom, faith and love. Whatever you empower, you give life to. You are a powerful creator in the jungles of time and space. Realize the power of your thoughts, and the deliberate creator you are. Danny G. 

Powerful Deliberate Creator

Fear often stems from powerlessness and lack of control. When we feel we have no control, we feel caged in with a fate outside our reach. Realize your power through thoughts, words and behavior. That’s the only control you’ll ever have. Your reaction determines everything including the life that unfolds. Declare I’m in control, I’m a powerful deliberate creator bound to succeed and thrive. Danny G. 

The Greatest Faith

You can fear the worst outcome, or you can have faith in the God or Goddess you are. Having faith means knowing God is on your side every step of the way. He is guiding you, protecting you, and asking for your unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Faith With No End

Instead of fearing and dreading what may be, the conditions and circumstances so deep, remember the overcomer inside your being. He conquered it all and defeated the doubt. He conquered it all so you can remember once again, and persist with unwavering faith to no end. Remember you’re a victor, a spiritual warrior destined to triumph. Danny G. 

The Right Motivation

Are you motivated by fear or faith? Fear perceives the worst case scenario, and all the ugliness in the world. Faith lets peace be the empire while trusting source, the ultimate provider. With faith, all things are possible, and everything is within our reach. Danny G. 

The Right Mindset

Most healing is not an intellectual journey. It’s a journey of seeking inward, self love and wisdom. It’s seeking wisdom before the intellect, and choosing faith over fear. It’s knowing our journey has many seasons, and seasons change with the right mindset. Danny G. 

From Fear to Peace

At times the battle starts off as a fear that keeps you striving for greater. It may be a moment in time, where the fear invaded your mind, and it stayed in your heart and soul. The fear didn’t dissipate, it only caused you to search more and more. As the fear continues to invade your mind, your peace remains outside your reach. Don’t fight it, know it was all part of your journey and growth. One day you realize the fear is no longer needed, but your mind holds onto it to drive you to success. But one day you realize this attachment is no longer necessary as you allow peace to lead the way. You realize your best source of drive and ambition is through peace where all solutions lies. Your peace leads to clarity, answers and renewed strength. Your peace becomes your new intention and motive, for every master learned this through stillness and contemplation. All you have to do is seek inward, be still and listen, for the next step will appear with faith and love in your heart. Danny G. 

The Blueprint Of Your Mind

We all have a blueprint inside our mind of our life and future. That blueprint can be of uneasiness, fear and resentment, or it can be of peace, joy and gratitude. That blueprint determines the masterpiece of our life. Realign your blueprint with the divine, and you will have the life of your every desire. Danny G. 

Overcame and Conquered

Even though the past comes back with fear and trepidation, remember those times you overcame and conquered. Don’t allow the past trauma to dictate your future. Accept your past with loving eyes, knowing it’s all part of your success and your journey back home. Danny G.