Choose A Different Perspective

When you’re immersed in your challenges, take a step back and choose a different perspective. When the adversity is right before you causing you to fear, seek inward for that space of peace, stillness and tranquility. From this space anything is possible, and from this space, anything is within your reach. Danny G. 

Destined to Thrive

You always have two choices. It’s either optimism or pessimism. It’s either faith or fear. It’s either bitterness or compassion. You can remain stuck in the realm of negativity or you can embrace who you truly are, a being of light, destined to thrive. Danny G. 


You find freedom by embracing your own power. You find freedom by choosing faith over fear. You find freedom by quieting the mind despite the chaos or havoc. All this together creates miracles on your behalf. With persistence and faith, anything is possible. Danny G. 

New Experiences and Success

Don’t be afraid of taking risks, for you can walk in circles for a lifetime never getting anywhere, remaining stagnant and complacent. Take action when it calls you forth, and know that new action and behavior, leads to new experiences and success. Danny G. 

The Greatest Creation and Imagination

Don’t be afraid of change and the unknown. For the greatest creation and imagination stems from the unknown. It’s what allows you to redefine yourself and create anew. Face it head on, know you are worthy, know you are capable, and know the universal force is guiding you, every step of the way. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Success

You can have fear of failure or you can have faith in success and prosperity. Whatever you focus on becomes your beliefs and expectations. Let go of fears and limitations and replace them with faith in your inevitable success and triumph. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Process Of Creation

Focus your energy on faith, wisdom, love and peace. Focus on the divine source and being that lives inside you. Just as you can magnify fear, pessimism and bitterness and become its essence, you can also create its opposite, the inevitable process of creation. Danny G. 

The Divine’s Promise

God’s unconditional love says that whatever man shall do, man will still be loved. Whatever fall, failure or detour, man will still be loved. For God is a source of love and compassion, and you cannot fall so deep to cease his love for you. Never fear his absence, for the divine is always within you, guiding you and causing you to triumph. Danny G.   

Motivation With Compassion

Are you motivated by love and compassion, or are you motivated by fear and anger? When you’re motivated by fear and anger, you’re of no value to yourself or others. Be motivated by love and compassion, and allow God to lead the path. It won’t fail, and you’ll see the world through different colored lenses. Danny G.