Ponder a subject long enough and you’ll create its very existence. For whatever you give perpetual great emotion, the manifestation begins. You can stop anything from occurring if you simply change your focus, and release pessimism, fears and dread. When you focus on a brighter outcome with perpetual faith and joy, the manifestation begins. Focus on it long enough, and you’ll create the very essence of your intention and desire. Danny G.
Choose Optimism
Unhappiness is dissatisfaction with the present. It’s dissatisfaction with where you are, and what comes next. It’s a mind bombarded with fears, pessimism, and bitterness. Unhappiness always sees the worst despite all the good standing next to it. It’s a stream of affirmations contrary to happiness. It’s everything you’re not, and it’s going against the natural stream of life. If you want to be happy, listen to your inner dialogue, and change your perspective, choose optimism, not pessimism. Danny G.
Alignment Equals Manifestation
Can you identify a time when you lost your alignment and your dream or solution drifted away? You had it in the grip of your hand, then you lost it through your misalignment, and fears. The best solution to this dilemma is to devote a few minutes every day for your alignment and balance. When you invest time for your spiritual evolution and awareness, the universe opens doors that seemed insurmountable from the start. Danny G.
Choose Wisely
Actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Our loving father, God, would much rather you get the rewards then the negative consequences through your poor choices. If you don’t pay any attention to your thoughts or actions, you will end up living a lie, which is essentially, a life of many troubles. If you’re pessimistic, persistently fearful or you behave carelessly, you will face the consequences, not because God loves you any less, but because God gave you the gift of free will, and you chose poorly. God is a spirit of love and compassion, and anything other than this definition, is not from him. You are an extension of God through the unique soul that you are. Anything that is not love is not who you are. Your soul chooses God and compassion, not the choices that would steer you off your divine path. Danny G.
Fearlessly Face the Unknown (Poem)
There’s a whole world and vision in front of me now.
Behind remains status quo, and chains keeping me down.
Shall I dance with what lies in front of me now,
Or look up to the sky and depart.
Exhilaration is calling me,
From a stand of nothing
But my father’s hand.
Shall I leap away,
Or allow the chains to remain.
My limp causes me to stay
As I focus on my infirmities
And fear along the way.
What choice shall it be,
Let the fear take over?
Or fearlessly face the unknown?
True Meaning of Unwavering Faith
What is unwavering faith? Is it never doubting? Is it never feeling fear? Is it always being steadfast in the face of adversity or opposition? We know that’s not the case, as there are many faithful individuals who achieved great things, yet they still felt fearful when they faced adversities or opposition.
Some of the greatest masters that lived on this planet felt doubt and fear, and they weren’t always steadfast, but they prospered in the end. They prospered because they persevered despite their doubts or fears and they didn’t let the doubts or fears consume them. They kept their vision in front of them and they kept on declaring their victory despite their uncertainties.
Courage or bravery is not the absence of doubts or fears, it’s persevering despite doubts, or fears. It’s affirming and speaking about the desired outcome despite everything pointing us in the opposite direction. It’s taking bold action steps regardless of the discomfort we feel.
We’re human beings and it’s completely normal to feel doubt and fear, the only time it becomes a problem is when we give in. If you feel doubtful, fearful, or insecure, and you give in by constantly speaking about your doubts, fears or insecurities, you lost the battle and you move towards whatever you’re thinking about or speaking about.
When you’re tempted to give in, affirm and speak the opposite of your negative thoughts and declare what you want to attract in your life. Speak the opposite of your negative feelings even if you don’t feel it at first, sooner or later you will begin to receive it in your being, hence, you will attract it in your life.
The law works to our advantage because if we continue to think and speak negatively, we will become depressed and we will feel inadequate. The law works as a reminder to get us back on course so we don’t live in fear or pessimism.
Can you imagine a world where people would get what they want despite them never believing in themselves and despite them being pessimistic and fearful about everything? Even if they get what they want, they wouldn’t be happy, and there would be no point in achieving anything. What good is there in achieving our goals and dreams, if we feel inadequate and ungrateful about our achievements, and life.
Every great teacher that ever lived will say the same, “the true definition of unwavering faith is not the absence of fears and doubts, it’s persevering and it’s focusing on the solution rather than the adversity or opposition.”
If you’re feeling fearful and you can’t shake it off, just know you haven’t lost the battle yet. Start focusing on your desired result, and keep on declaring your end result despite fears or doubts.
When you’re steadfast and you persevere despite fears or opposition, you’re one step closer to see your dream or goal come to fruition.