Shining Example

Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at one point. Revenge, or bitterness is optional. If you feel anger, use it constructively, and use it for your own healing and the well being of others. Be the shining example of the one who walks in love, forgiveness and compassion. Danny G.

Allow God To Intervene

Revenge is never the hand of God, nor will it ever bring you solace and peace. Honor your forgiving heart that rests underneath, and honor your strength and perseverance. Don’t act on bitterness, be the compassionate person you’re born to be. Allow God to intervene, mold you, and change you into the person you’re destined to be. Danny G.

Declare Your Healing

Look at your enemy in the eyes, don’t forget or condone but scrutinize. Gaze into his hollow eyes, and see the world that brought forth his malicious intent. Forgive him for all the pain and misery he put you through, and watch the pain slowly subside, as you become aware of your freedom and peace. Release the burden, declare your healing, and allow the journey to take you back home. Danny G.

The Phoenix You Were Born To Be

God already forgave you the moment you asked for his forgiveness. Stop holding on to this burden, for it has a way of springing back, and causing chaos and trouble. The most important person to forgive is yourself. Realize you’re a work in progress destined for greatness. Release the burden, for the burden was only meant for your evolution and freedom. Let go, and transform into the phoenix you were born to be. Danny G. 

The Power of Faith and Triumph

What is true spiritual mastery? It’s being able to remain in alignment when everything around you is in chaos. It’s staying in balance, when you’re aching, or grieving. It’s loving the unlovable, and forgiving the perpetrators, no matter what pain they have caused you. Gaining mastery under the bright colored  sun, is good, and worthy, but gaining mastery within the storm is true mastery. When you know this and master this, nothing can pull you down, and the power of faith and triumph is in your hands. Danny G.

True Success

Although I have good intentions, forgive me for I still fall from time to time. It’s simply the journey of being human, through self discovery and striving for greater. Despite it all, I still give you my very best, and to me, that should be the definition of true success. Danny G.

Healing and Grace

Believing actions hold no consequences is not healthy. Accepting you’re a human being on a spiritual evolution bound to fall from time to time, is reality. Being human shouldn’t be an excuse to fail without a sincere heart, but it should be a reason to forgive as well. Every great man and woman failed at times, but the one common precursor was they truly believed in their worthiness, power, and grace. Danny G.

Your Purpose and Calling

You find yourself and your purpose by being noble, honest and showing integrity. 

You find yourself and your purpose by giving as much as receiving. 

You find yourself and your purpose by forgiving despite the anger simmering underneath. 

You find yourself and your purpose by listening as much as teaching. 

You find yourself and your purpose by loving your opponent despite the chaos he created. 

You find yourself and your purpose by pausing to think, rather than give in. 

You find yourself and your purpose by seeing the beauty in the mundane. 

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at defeat, and calling it a beginning.

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at the degraded, and calling them winners. 

You find yourself and your purpose by being content when it’s not your success.

You find yourself and your purpose by showing humility rather than pride.

You find yourself and your purpose by seeking growth, which is essentially who you are. 

And you lose yourself by being everything you’re not, and failing to realize who you are. 

Danny G.


Embrace the past with love in your heart, and embrace the growth it brought forth today. All the turns, detours, and failures together, created the journey and purpose today. Forgive yourself, and release all guilt. For acceptance or guilt creates health or sickness. Don’t forget your destiny awaits for your simple pleasure, purpose and creation. And don’t forget to honor the long road home that brought you the journey. Danny G.

Forgiveness and Persistence

When someone hurts you, don’t be the referee, turn it over to God, and let him fight your battles for you. Allow karma to run its course, for it never fails and the good one always wins. Just don’t give in to bitterness, for the wise one knows the victory is through forgiveness, and persistence. Danny G.