Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and ideologies. There’s nothing wrong with teaching, but pushing them on your path only creates resistance. You can only influence others, and if their free will chooses otherwise, let them be. How do you know what that soul needs? You know what your soul needs, therefore, you will attract those souls in alignment with you. Everyone who needs you or your inspiration will find you. So, inspire, uplift and enlighten, but allow everyone to have their own journey. Danny G.
Insurmountable Strength
You may not have a choice over your environment, the world, or the fact that we all face hardships. But one thing you do have control over and you always will is your free will. With your free will comes an insurmountable strength and ability to overcome and thrive. Remember this when life knocks you down. Remember that you don’t have to stay down, and it all comes with your free will. Danny G.
Higher Consciousness
Stop giving your power away through others’ manipulation. Regain your power through self awareness and a higher consciousness. Realize your true power resides in your free will. No one can do anything to you without your consent. Declare who you are, a child of God with a mission in mind to create your destiny. Nothing is off limits and nothing is impossible. Your starting point begins with your free will. Danny G.
Free Will is Our Greatest Power
Our free will helps us create with the infinite and limitless source we serve. Nothing is off limits, and nothing is impossible. Choose compassion, peace, optimism and faith. Don’t allow anger, pessimism, bitterness and fear to steer you astray. Have a bounce back mentality every time you steer astray with these negative emotions. Let the divine force that you serve which is within you, be your indication for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.
A Wake Up Call
Some people are asleep for so long, they need an epiphany to wake them up. The epiphany shows up as a pause and reset. Sometimes, it shows up as a divine revelation. Recognize there’s always a revolution happening within you. Your free will determines the unfolding of your life story, and the way you impact others. Choose wisdom, faith and compassion, and your revolution will conspire on your behalf and for God’s glory. Danny G.
Free Will or Destiny
Is it free will or destiny that shapes what lies before us? We choose and enact our destiny by our choices, wisdom and faith. Destiny doesn’t grapple with our free will or inner peace, it calls us through the every day choices we make along our physical trail. The more we become aligned with the divine, the greater the destiny and life that lies before us. Danny G.
Choices from the Core
Whatever you focus on consistently, will eventually seep into your reality. You can choose light or darkness in a world of temptation. There’s a myriad of choices out there in the open space, while freedom comes knocking at your door. Experiment while keeping in mind whatever you choose alters the course, and becomes the essence of your journey. Danny G.
The Power That Moves Worlds
God has given you free will to choose as you wish. You have the power that moves worlds inside you, and you can either choose light, or darkness. Whatever you choose defines the whole of who you are, and it defines your life story and whichever lives you touch. Danny G.
Free Will and Destiny
Don’t overcomplicate life with should have’s or should not. Trust there’s a timing in everything, and trust the universe will conspire on your behalf. The only missing piece is your action which you procrastinate over and over again. Shift in gear, and let the universe handle the rest. There’s no free rides, only free will which ultimately changes your destiny, one step at a time. Danny G.
You Have the Right to be You
Take the subject of relationships and marriage for example. We have a marriage in which a couple falls in love and gets married. We have same-sex marriage, arranged marriage, common law relationships, open relationships, or people who prefer to remain celibate. It’s just an individual choice, there’s no right or wrong. The only wrong choice would be conforming to other’s expectations and ideals. You’re in charge, and you have the right to be you. Danny G.