Fulfilled Happy and Free

Nothing is self imposed other than your misconceptions. Be you. Follow your inspiration and what motivates you to action. If a path feels meaningless, and it leaves you uneasy, let it go. Find the path that brings you inner peace and joy. Find the passion that cannot die within you. Be your own leader, and follow the inner guidance that leads you fulfilled, happy and free. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Life

Your life purpose is to be happy. Your life purpose is freedom and exploration. Seek joy, the present moment and know you’re free to become who you want to be. You’re free for whatever mission you choose to be. Combine wisdom with exploration and you’ll live your greatest life. Danny G. 

Don’t Fight the System

Instead of fighting the system, be pro freedom, be pro peace and be pro abundance. We often act out of fear of being controlled. Fighting the system creates conflict and chaos. Influencing a new generation from a divine perspective creates harmony and coherence. We can fight or we can influence. One creates disorder and the other creates a divine army meant to bring compassion to the world. Danny G. 

Ultimate Liberation

The cycle persists until you move forward in a different direction. The fight perpetuates until you release resistance. Learn, let go, remember your true source, the lesson imprinted in your heart for ultimate liberation. Danny G. 

A New Awakening

Embrace what is on the opposite side of fear. Embrace what you will do when you overcome the fear. When you conquer fear, you embrace your freedom, power and potential within. You realize what was once a negative is meant to strengthen you, motivate you and inspire you to a greater life and a new awakening. Danny G. 

Freedom Acknowledged

We are always evolving. Why do we need a rule book to define us? We are creators and ambassadors of our passion as we seek inward for insight and revelation. The greatest savior said we can do great things like him or greater. Yet the greatest mistake is denying our intelligence and wisdom. It’s denying our free will. It’s creating barriers where freedom should be acknowledged. Danny G. 


Don’t bring the baggage of yesterday into your present now. You cannot welcome the new when focusing on attachments and hurt from the past. Declare I release the burden from my shoulders, and I embrace today’s creation, my ultimate power and liberation from the past. Danny G. 

Freedom Awaits

It’s time to move forward. You persisted a long trek uphill with unwavering faith and perseverance. Your strength showed in the amount of steps you took wholeheartedly and gracefully. Seasons change while freedom awaits. Don’t fight or resist it. Allow it and receive. Danny G. 

Freedom and Growth

The past will sink you into a pit so deep you cannot get out. Faith will keep your head high above the nightly sky, where you cross oceans and the storm doesn’t shake you, as it only strengthens you and empowers you to freedom and growth. Danny G. 

Embrace Your Freedom and Power

You chose to be here in this physical plane. You chose it for your evolution, and the evolution of humanity. Embrace your freedom and power. Embrace the deliberate creator you are. And embrace your uniqueness and authenticity. Danny G.