Our Power and Self Awareness

Out of my darkest nights came about my greatest transformation, so I cannot hate those dark seasons, for without them, I would have never transformed, and healed. With healing comes power and self awareness. With healing comes freedom and peace. With healing comes strength and a determination not to give in. Danny G. 

The True Freedom

Accept the contrast and the imperfections. Accept everyone has their own journey of transformation and reason for being. Accept everyone is unique and we all have our share to create a brighter humanity. When you accept this, you no longer fight the system and you experience the true freedom of being, and letting others be, while leading by the clarity of your example. Danny G.

Unleash the Phoenix

Allow your soul to shine brightly in the midst of chaos, despite the havoc and confusion of the world. Embrace your freedom through the bold creator you are, and seek peace in your heart despite the environment and the worldly treachery. Allow it to unleash the Phoenix within you, and the victor you were born to be. Danny G.

Beautiful Soul

There’s a lingering fear in the depth of your being wanting to break free. Although you squirm and attempt to bury your emotions, it only surfaces more. Find peace with your heart and soul, and learn to be at peace despite what’s simmering underneath. For when the fear no longer hinders you, peace and solace remains your power, gifting, and light. Then you allow what was once a hindrance, to bloom into a beautiful soul. Danny G.

Under My Feet

When the rock struck you sideways, know there’s purpose within the storm. No matter how dire it seems, don’t forget your worthiness and will. You’re a victor and overcomer, and you have always been. The storm is calling you to proclaim freedom and peace. Therefore, go forth, release your gifts and guiding light to the world. Say it’s under my feet, release the chains and claim it yours. Danny G.

Destined To Be Yours

Exploring is essential to experience, freedom, and growth. Foolishness is forgetting actions have consequences and misfortunes. Don’t be confined to your cage, roam with peace and love in your heart. But always remember with wisdom comes joy, and an everlasting peace destined to be yours. Danny G.

Reclaim It Now

Maybe life didn’t turn out as you hoped, or you feel lost, confused and heartbroken. Perhaps you had much greater plans, and the challenges feel much beyond your reach. I can assure you God is with you when the sun sets, when the night turns dark, and the ground trembles beneath your feet. Believe in the God or Goddess that you are, claim your freedom and victory now, cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G.

Your Wisdom Within

There are many roads to Rome with adventures and freedom knocking at your door. However, do not get too conformed to your outer self that you neglect your wisdom within. Sometimes it’s a process of trial and error, as you tread the path to your vision and dream. Nevertheless, seeking within, should be your true calling and purpose. Danny G. 

Declare Your Healing

Look at your enemy in the eyes, don’t forget or condone but scrutinize. Gaze into his hollow eyes, and see the world that brought forth his malicious intent. Forgive him for all the pain and misery he put you through, and watch the pain slowly subside, as you become aware of your freedom and peace. Release the burden, declare your healing, and allow the journey to take you back home. Danny G.

Follow the Path of Joy

You squirmed in affliction long enough, and you allowed others to control you. You allowed life to turn you bitter, resentful, doubtful, and you allowed it to drag on. Your soul yearns for freedom, and joy, as it’s calling you again, and again. Claim your freedom now, follow the path of joy, and you’ll be astounded by what the universe brings in. Danny G.