We will all cross over at one point in time. When you do, I hope you’ll be able to have no regrets, that you have lived fully, and that you have fulfilled your greatest dreams and goals. When at the end of your life, you will not think I should have saved more, or I should have worked more, or I should have attended one more work meeting. You will say, I made my contribution to humanity. I made a difference in people’s lives. I lived a happy and peaceful life. I was compassionate and kind. I followed my passion and bliss. Those are the statements you should be making now, so that when you do make your transition, you will say, it’s my time, and I shall go peacefully. Danny G.
Thought for Today
The reason you’re not fulfilled is because you’re looking only at the exterior. Manifesting our external world is important, and it’s supposed to be joyful, but looking merely at the external obliterates the most important aspect. Your inner joy, inner peace and wisdom is your reason for being. It’s why you’re here. Your external world is only a reflection of your inner world. Only looking at accumulation feels empty inside. Seeking inward, true happiness and then manifesting your goals and dreams is the greatest achievement you can make. It’s starts from the inside and it projects itself on the outside. Follow your bliss. Danny G.
Success Story
Be the person who looks back on his life in total amazement. I have lived a happy, fulfilled and successful life. Everything within me came to fruition. Every creative endeavor within me came to light. That’s a success story from the inside out. Danny G.
All men die, but not all men live. You live by being the best you. You live by embracing a spirit of faith, optimism and compassion. You live by being a light onto others. Then once your time comes, there will be no regrets, simply a transition fulfilled and ready for the next dimension. Danny G.
Already Fulfilled
Belittling is a sign of weakness or lack, for they need to feel greater than you. Humility, kindness and compassion doesn’t feel the need to belittle, for they are already fulfilled. Being secure in who you are is recognizing that you are special, for they see something in you that they don’t see in themselves. Danny G.
Fulfilled Happy and Free
Nothing is self imposed other than your misconceptions. Be you. Follow your inspiration and what motivates you to action. If a path feels meaningless, and it leaves you uneasy, let it go. Find the path that brings you inner peace and joy. Find the passion that cannot die within you. Be your own leader, and follow the inner guidance that leads you fulfilled, happy and free. Danny G.
Bound to Change
Don’t allow the past to dictate your future. Often we have relived and experimented something so long, we lose track of our destination. We believe the same will unfold time and time again. Let go, and know everything is impermanent and bound to change for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G.
Feeling Joy in the Present Now
Your power to have joy remains in the present now. You can search for a lifetime and never be truly fulfilled. You can achieve greatness and still demand more out of a feeling of incompleteness. Be satisfied with your now, feel appreciation for it, feel joy for it, and the rest will come in its ideal timing. Not everything has to happen at once, but let everything happen in its ideal timing. Danny G.
Joy and Peace in Your Soul
What you’re seeking is joy and peace of the soul. When you find that happiness and stillness, you know you’re fulfilled, and you know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be in this physical plane. You’re not operating by your ego, but by the divine being you are. From this space, you will have the desires of your heart. Danny G.
A Catalyst
Life is a constant unfolding, a journey to personal growth and fulfillment. Seek to enjoy the journey. Pursue happiness, inner peace and the joy of the moment, and this state of being, eventually becomes you. You’ll become a catalyst for your desires to manifest. Danny G.