Best Version Of Me

I don’t seek perfection, I seek the best version of me. That’s the only control I’ll ever have, and it’s the only control I’ll ever need for fulfillment and joy. Everything else is out of my control other than being the best where I am, with what I have. Danny G. 

Glad to Embark

Are you looking to be partially fulfilled or are you looking to be the best version of you standing in the midst of your dreams. Many people settle for less and they get tired of searching, so they give in before their breakthrough, and allow the tide to take over. Claim what’s destined to be, steadfastly persist, and when the season calls you, you will know, and you will be glad you persevered and embarked. Danny G.

The Deliberate Creator

Everything that you desire is for the purpose of joy and fulfillment. That dream that is not manifesting is creating so much discord, you forgot why you wanted it in the first place. There was a time, you were excited, happy, and fulfilled. Over time, you allowed life to wear you down, and you dreaded the absence of your desire. You allowed the tide to overtake you and control you. Don’t allow it to linger, and don’t be dependent on something outside of you for joy. Recognize your power, your growth, and the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G. 

Focusing on Optimism

You can entertain anything with your thoughts, either negative, or positive. Whatever you entertain will eventually seep into your reality. Spend time contemplating and reflecting on your desired outcome. Think of it as writing a script and having it played on the movie screen of your mind. It can either be a meaningful, uplifting movie, or it can be its opposite. Recognize the importance of guiding your thoughts to joy and fulfillment, and you’ll get the essence of your every desire. Danny G. 

The Old Soul

Seeking merely expensive toys, a life of luxury and status will never bring true happiness and success. The old soul seeks to fulfill the soul, through seeking within, finding purpose, and being of value. Neither should be condemned, as it’s all about finding balance, where freedom lies. Nevertheless, being the old soul, is what brings true joy, and fulfillment. Danny G.

Joy and Freedom

Joy is the reason for being. If something brings you joy, and peace, embrace it, allow it, and let it unfold as it should. Know that God wants nothing less than for you to be happy, at peace, and truly fulfilled. When you realize this, you know what true freedom is, and you know you’re destined for happiness and success. Danny G.

Don’t Negate You

Some sacrifices are unhealthy, for you were never meant to be left out of the equation. You are worthy, valued, and you need fulfillment just as much as anybody else. Don’t negate you, and don’t believe the noble choice is to neglect you for others. For you have dreams and aspirations that are calling you. And you have dreams and aspirations awaiting for your unique evolution, and for the expansion of humanity. Danny G.

Let It Flourish

Your credentials don’t define who you are, you do. For one can have the greatest credentials in the world, and still lack fulfillment, and success. And one can have but one credential, and honor it and water it, then watch the seed bloom into a mighty tree and flourish. Danny G.

Let Joy and Love Rule

If you let the addiction rule, you will always need a higher fix to be satisfied. But if you let joy and love rule, the addiction will no longer have a place. For you cannot feel joy and love and need something outside of yourself for greater joy. For joy and love is enough, and joy and love doesn’t seek outside oneself for its fulfillment. Danny G.

Releasing and Letting Go

Letting go is releasing everything that is hindering us from personal growth and fulfillment. It’s releasing what’s no longer serving us, so we may walk steadfastly and unwaveringly to our dreams. When we let go, we allow ourselves to be in alignment with the divinity that we are, while allowing our lives to flourish and prosper to our divine mission. Danny G.