The origin of ego means edging God out. That means when you act out of your ego, you’re not being who you truly are. You’re a God or Goddess in human form, divinity housed in a physical body. Act like the God or Goddess you are, and with this knowledge, you can conquer mountains before you. Danny G.
Your Passion
Find a passion that lifts your spirit, and that calls you to action. Whatever you do, it should be an expression of who you truly are. Whenever you pursue your passion, you should feel in alignment with the divine, in complete balance and harmony with your unique purpose and mission. Danny G.
Follow Your Passion
Follow your passion, what you love to do, and what brings you the greatest joy. That passion stems from the God or Goddess within you. Denying it, is denying who you truly are, and what you came forth to be. Danny G.
The Image You Project
Be genuine about who you truly are, and the image you project to the world. Sincerity and honesty is what you should strive and seek for. Find someone you trust to reveal your thoughts to. When confiding to a friend, seek the solution, don’t focus on the problem with so much intensity. Learn to let go of any attachment, and embrace the Phoenix you were born to be. Danny G.
You’re a true friend because you saw potential when no one else had. You’re a true friend because you revel in my success, as much as your own. You’re a true friend because despite the highs and lows, you still care. Most importantly, you know the meaning of genuine loyalty. Danny G.
Recognize the Depth
Observe and you will see what’s hidden underneath, rather than listening to the ego that looks merely at the surface. Recognize the depth, rather than the superficial outer shell. True acceptance and love comes from seeing the soul, which is our true potential and who we truly are. Danny G.
The Genuine Soul
Don’t walk through life careless and oblivious to your surroundings. Don’t walk through life never contemplating those deep questions. Don’t walk through life never reflecting on what might be, and of your greatness within. Reflect on your potential, and the God or Goddess you are. Know your depth, who you truly are, and your world will mirror back your genuine soul. Danny G.
Devotion and Perseverance
Though others don’t love you because you do not conform, God loves you because of your devotion. Though others don’t understand you because you’re different, God understands you for he created you, and he resides in you. What makes you unique is your strength and perseverance to not give in, and to not allow the world to change you into someone you’re not. Danny G.
Honesty Wins
Whatever is done with honesty and integrity has a way of seizing the opponent’s hand, and throwing it back in his face. For lies, treachery, and cruelty never wins with God. But an honest approach, and a willingness to improve will always alter the course in your favor. Danny G.
A Bouquet of Roses
Blazing hazel eyes, though mysterious and penetrating while a world speaks through them with a candid look. Afraid and uneasy, though shine so brightly beneath the mischievous look. Awkward and charismatic all wrapped up in a bouquet of roses. There’s a story inside those eyes, ready and eagerly waiting to be heard. Danny G.