Don’t Allow it to Change You

There’s nothing wrong with admiring attention and recognition, as long as attention and recognition doesn’t define who you are, and doesn’t change who you are. And there’s nothing wrong with admiring wealth and status, as long as wealth and status doesn’t define who you are, and doesn’t change who you are. There’s nothing wrong with wanting any of this, or all of it, as long as you remember who you are, where you’re from, and as long as you realize what matters above all, is God. Danny G.

The Noble Man

The noble man is the one who acknowledges and appreciates people despite them having a title or wealth to their name. He acknowledges and appreciates people for who they are, not for appearance or status. The title means nothing for him, for he knows everything physical passes away with time. He knows the soul is eternal, and he knows the soul defines who they truly are, not physical appearance or luxury, which is irrelevant to who we are. Danny G.

Being Genuine

People respect an individual who’s true to themselves, not someone who teaches one thing but contradicts himself through his actions. What is living your teachings? It’s teaching happiness because you are happy. It’s teaching gratitude because you are grateful. If you know what brings happiness, gratitude, and you’re living it, then go teach it. However, if you’re not living it, teach something you know. In the meantime, work at being happy, then once you live it, you’ll teach through the clarity of your example. Invest time for yourself, and then in time you’ll be living it and well able to reach out to others. Danny G.

Reaching Out

When you acknowledge a person and you’re there for him when he hits rock bottom, that’s being genuine and compassionate. It’s easy to acknowledge and recognize a public figure or highly regarded individual. The people who need compassion and acceptance the most are the ones at their lowest point. Danny G. 

Your Source and Power

God created you as you are for a reason, and he knows every mistake you will ever make until you leave this time space reality. So what do you have control over, other than being who you truly are, and ultimately the best version of you? Danny G.